Alex Miranda profile picture

Alex Miranda

If I'm not on your TOP 24, I want to know WHY!?

About Me

I was born Alejandro Jose Miranda Ithier Dominguez Figueroa Cruz Colon de la Valle. Yes, this is my WHOLE name :-) My parents are Puerto Rican , but I was born in Germany . I guess that makes me Germarican? LOL! Sounds like some nasty disease! Then again, it also sounds like it could be a delicious meal...a fusion of Bratwurst and Arroz con Gandules ! WHATEVER!
Quoting the great Ludacris, I've pimped all over the world. My father was in the Army so we moved from Germany to Oklahoma, Georgia, Peru (Lima), Kansas, Panama (the country), and finally Miami where my father retired (good choice dad!).
The next 4 years were spent at American Senior High School , the best years of my life up to that point. Just look at my pictures! LoL. My son Gavin was born while I was in 10th grade (Christmas Day, 1996), he's now an honor roll student like his dad was :-) Look at him in my pics too.
Senior year comes around, and I decided to get out of this party infested city and go to a secluded land to complete my post-high school studies (college). I attended Cornell University in upstate New York. Upstate New York is like Kansas; wheat fields, corn fields, and dairy farms! Very beautiful, but the nearest mall was 1 hour away. I guess this was good becuase I was able to concetrate on school.
I graduated with a degree in Applied Economics and Business Management. The diploma sits on my wall, and i'm still waiting for money to start growing off of it...still waiting...still waiting...
I tried corporate America. I was working as a PVP at Carnival Cruise Lines before I got fired for banging my boss. TOTALLY KIDDING! LOL. That would have been a cool story though! Nah, I left Carnival to pursue a career at Tiger Direct becuase my best friend Richard said it was a cool job. Thanks for making my life a living hell Richard. Now it's MY TURN!!!
In August, 2005 I left Tiger and started The Creative Complex with my friends Richard and Ruben. We are an "Online Marketing Communication Design and Execution Firm."
This means that we can produce all online communications including websites and landing pages, email pieces, interactive viral marketing campaigns and text messaging amongst other things. We can then execute the actions needed for these designs to perform at their most effective levels.
Side Note: If you know companies looking for websites or online marketing services (OR BOTH), let me know! Or let them know about us.
I believe myself to be dependable, popular, and observant. I can be deep and thoughtful and I'm definitely NOT prone to moodiness. I also believe myself to be unique, creative, and expressive. And anyone who knows me knows that I don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while. And lucky for me, most people find my weird ways funny!
Well, that was exhausting.
All my best,
Alex Miranda
P.S. By day I run my Online Marketing Company, The Creative Complex . At night I like to fly out into the Miami club scene. I'm a club Host/Promoter! It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!
I promote for Mansion, Opium, Prive, and Spirits Nightclub. Let me know if you're coming out to any of these and i'll make it happen :-)
All my best,
Alex Miranda
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N-Joi Yourself!
Alex Miranda

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A Puerto Rican Princess that can cook Arroz con Gandules and play Halo :-) Already found her...!!!


Anything I can jam too. Hell, i'll even dance to country music (Round-Up Wednesdays!!)


All time favorites: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory & The Goonies.

Movies I can watch 1000 times: Coming to America, BIG, any Back to the Future, Groundhog Day, Half Baked


Have you ACTUALLY read a book from cover to cover?