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lady silk

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a BOSS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: made bitch
What did you do last night?: looked at pictures in a russian vogue magazine
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: porn haha
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: yeah damn i actually 4got i used 2 dumb shit like that
Last time you swam in a pool?: i dont remember but i found out my friednd pisses in them so it wont b no time soon
What are you wearing?: some fly ass purple shit- what else
How many cars have you owned?: 1
Type of music you dislike most?: the kind that dont make no sense
Are you registered to vote?: fuck the system
Do you have cable?: better i got satellite bitches!
What kind of computer do you use?: one that works homie
Ever made a prank phone call?: yes and if my voice wasnt so easily recognized i would still do it
You like anyone right now?: yes i do and its scouting season for ya girl
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: fuck no!
Furthest place you ever traveled?: the depths of hell and back
What's your favorite comic strip?: boondocks and far side
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: i had 2 sing it everyday from 1-6th grade so yes
Shower, morning or night?: both honey im the cleanest bitch in ohio
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: i'm bout it
Favorite pizza toppings?: cheese
Chips or popcorn?: popcorns
What cell phone provider do you have?: u gon pay my bill?
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: what the fuck? I smoke nothin but gangsta
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: every day daddy
Orange Juice or apple?: neither
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: my son for turkey and cheese wit a side of pudding and kool aid on the rocks red
favorite chocolate bar?: dont like chocolate- can u blame me i'm sweet and dark enough baby
Who is your longest friend and how long?: myself and forever
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: who the fuck just eats a tomato?
Have you ever won a trophy?: basketball softball and tball i had a room dedicated to trophys and certificates
Favorite arcade game?: pacman?
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: no but i do want the 200 piece cake baking equipment soon as i find time 2 bake a cake and i still want a bedazzler
Sprite or 7-UP?: 7 up its crisper
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: yes but i styled on em and made it look designer
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: a bag of the flamin hots
Ever thrown up in public?: public private if its comin up its comin hey
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: right now that million is looking good
Do you believe in love at first sight?: it hasnt happened yet
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?: family guy/ oblongs
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: bitch i got long hair now- let me throw it on real quick
What message is on your voicemail machine?: leave a messeage real simple and to the point, the rest is up to u
Where would you like to go right now?: to sleep or where nobody knows my name
Whats the name of your pet?: what pet?
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: Back pack? bitch please i got a million purses tho
What do you think about most?: life death fashion music and all the situations in between
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he wanna make me happy/ I tell him make me rich/ this lady here-/ not ya average chick/ head game make em sick/ and i suck a mean..../ And i ride a slow stick/ game tight and the bitch thick/ m.o.b for life/ niggas want me 4 they wife/ wanna drip me out with jewels and the ice/ cuff me for life?/ yeah right/ i leave 'em like my girl remy/ a hard dick and bubble yum/ these niggas is hoes/ and they used to scum/ and they stick they shit in anything/ that'll make em cum/ these niggas go dumb/ i like to have fun/ make em think they the one/ watch i show you how it's done/ but understand silk not a slut/ i fuck to bust a nut/ hoes fuck to come up/ you can take classes/ but there is a fee/ you gotta be certified/ to be bad bossy bitch like me

My Interests

Random questions for bored people
What are you doing in 2 hours?: sleeping or watching degrassi whichever one comes first
What is the last thing you ate?: ice
Who is the last person that visited your home?: the mailman
How many of your top friends have seen you naked?: weeell he aint my top haha
How many of your top friends have you seen naked?:
Where is the last place you drove?: wow
What are you doing Saturday?: selling clothes
If you had 5 minutes to talk with any politician, who would it be?: it would be between obama and bush
What would you ask them?: what type of draws do they wear
Do you love your job?: yes i do it involves fashion
How many pets are roaming around your house?: um none
When is the last time you told a family member that you loved them?: my son a couple hours ago
How often do you work out?: ha
Who is the last person that made you angry?: some guy who asked me about my hair pissed me off but i wanst angry
You're stranded alongside the road. Who do you call first?: mommy
Name the last 3 TV shows you watched.: family huy boondocks and all in the family
Why does your co-worker piss you off?: because they loud
If you had to spend an 8 hour car ride with 1 person, who is it and why?: somebody who can shut the fuck up and take ganja smoke for the whole 8 cuz i dont like to talk in the car unless its necessary
When is the last time you showered?: bitch please after i camne in the house
Who is the last person to ride in the back seat of your car?: na
What 3 items do you buy every time you go grocery shopping?: lemonheads turkey bacon icecream
If you had to eat 1 food every day for a year, what would it be?: chicken
Who is the last person you texted?: my l8nite lover
Why didn't you answer the phone the last time it rang?: cuz bitch i lost my phone!
What is the last concert you went to?: the last major one no limit ' comes to atlanta 98 i dont do concerts
When is the last time you saw number 5 on your top friend list?: 2 long ago i miss my homies!
If you had to be a member of a TV sitcom family, which one would it be?: the banks from the fresh prince of bel air or the cosbys of course or punky brewster and that old dude
Name 3 things from your childhood that you still have today.: earrings with my government spelled out stuffed animals and babysitter club and sweet valley high books
What is the last lie you told?: "i do love u baby i just dont have time to call u like i used to"
Who is the last person to get drunk with you?: "i smoke by myself drank by myself...
How many bones have you broken?: 1
Who is the meanest person you know?: my 6th grade teacher dirty rotten trick
Who is the loudest?: my nigga roz
Who is the funniest?: funny haha or funny peculiar cuz my friends are al little of both
Who is the hottest?: my l8nite
Is there anyone in your life that you tolerate, but wish they were gone?: naaah cuz believe if i cant tolerate baby they ant around no way
What do you want to be doing 1 year from now?: living life like its golden
You and your ex are trapped in an elevator. What happens?: we start rappin old school toons to help time pass by like slick rick teenage love and pocket full of stones by ugk along with id rather fuck u by eazy e and boyz in da hood
What is the last fast food you ate?: mr hero chicken round on a rectangle ass bun
When is the last time you were in a hospital?: christmas day
What did you dream about last night?: l8nite
Have you ever stole anything? If so, what was it?: well i got a way with words
Do you think mullets are sexy?: of course busness in the front party in the back im 4 anyhting that serves double duty
What is the last thing that made you uncomfortable?: a customers big ass cold sore on her lip and another customers b.o
Ever yell at someone for not washing their hands after using the bathroom?: no but maybe i should atart
If 2 of your top 8 friends said they had a crush on you, what would you do?: pray for them
When is the last time you danced?: when i ate those lemon head and friends and experianced chewy sour bliss
Someone breaks into your house while you are in bed. What do you do?: play dead
How did you first learn your "limit" when drinking?: let's just say it wasnt pretty
Who is the one person you DON'T want to come to your wedding?: nobody cuz it aint happenin
What is the last article of clothing you bought?: gladiator sandals that i cant wait to wear with my summer dresses and some gold open toe pumps noth for $8 each
How many different people have you kissed in the past month?: ugh none i take that back 1
Who is the smartest person you know?: it's between me and my son
Who is the dumbest?: well i dont no him personally but bush strikes me as slightly special
Who is the craziest?: all of the fab 5
Who is the last person to fall asleep on the couch with you?: i dont do sleep overs
Wild night of drinking with friends or quiet night at home with bf/gf?: drinkin with friends i relaly dont lay up all like that
12 hours at work or 12 hours cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, and garage?: at work of course
Who is the next person you want to see?: myself wen i become a billionaire
Who was the last person to say "I love you" to you?: my son
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I'd like to meet:

Odd Facts about ME
LOVER OR A FIGHTER?: both depending on the situation
WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR?: being missunderstood
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"?: people love 2 make asses of themselves
DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?: i dont do straws- they make ya mouth wrinkle
WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?: im a cute adult so what u think
HOW IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU?: I love it like jeezy
DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER?: in the bathtub 2
HAVE YOU EVER BUNGEE JUMPED?: no but i jumped off some steps before
ANY SECRET TALENTS?: ooooooh yeah!!!!!!!!!
HAVE YOU EATEN SUSHI?: ugh no raw fish honey? Id rather visit the dressing room of some low budget nasty bloody pussied strippers than eat that
DO YOU GIVE A DARN ABOUT THE OZONE?: i want 2 but sadly i dont
HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF A TOOTSIE POP?: i dont know but howm nay licks does it take 2 get 2 my center? find out after the...
ARE SPEEDO'S HOT?: if u can fill em up
WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING?: they hunt niggas daily so who gives a fuck about an animal
IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE?: i doubt it only if dude no to buy me a purple rock
DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?: i love it its as beautiful as the words coming out of my mouth
WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO?: bullshit and cops
IS TUPAC STILL ALIVE?: please dont make me cry and or lecture you on my beliefs and disbeliefs of the 7 day theory
HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS?: with cheese how else but they make me gassy haha
ARE BLONDES DUMB?: probably i dont fuck with them so icant tell u
WHERE DOES THE OTHER SOCK END UP?: fuckin wi a bitch like me in ya mouth nigga!
WHAT TIME IS IT?: time 4 me 2 get back 2 the money
DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME?: tracy sprinkles cuz i sprinkle these niggas wit so much game its a shame got made niggas runnin around tryin 2 figure out my name oh yeah and uh rainbow brite cuz im colorful
IS MCDONALD'S DISGUSTING?: not their oreo mcflurries and they dolla menu chicken sandwich plain, just bread and meat u cant go wrong
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A CAR?: this morning and honey- i should have walked
DO YOU PREFER BATHS OR SHOWERS?: bubble baths with a thousand bubbles
IS SANTA CLAUSE REAL?: bout as real as a black mans justice
ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?: how could i fear myself?
WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO?: life and fashion
CRUNCHY OR CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER?: crunchy even though it fucks up your toast
HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN IN AN AMBULANCE?: yeah not as fun as u would think
IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE?: thats what nancy reagon or somebody said back in the day. let me get back to you on that one
HAVE YOU EVER HITCH HIKED?: yes aint that a bitch
WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: when i seen kimora lee simmons on the source- where is hip hop going?
WHOSE LIFE IS BETTER?: My son cuz he's not jaded and cynical yet
ARE YOU PSYCHIC?: well i know what i will wear tomorrow
HAVE YOU READ "CATCHER IN THE RYE"?: i was supposed to but ended up cheating on the test with a friend
DO YOU PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS?: well i like to blow into the box of empty lemonheads and play a little tune
CAN YOU SKATEBOARD?: I used to waaaay back in the day
DO YOU LIKE CAMPING?: hell no but i was a girl scout once and we slept in the back yard. that was ok
DO U SNORT WHEN U LAUGH?: i dont snort at anytime
DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?: i must cuz i definatly can make money dissapear
IS A DOG A MAN'S BEST FRIEND?: isnt it funny how a beast is supposedly so close to man but spelled backwards a man is further away from God there's symbolism in everything yall oops there she go gettin deep again haha
YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE?: i damn near dont believe in marriage so hey
CAN YOU DO THE MOONWALK?: no and i am upset about it
DOES YOUR MOM KNOW YOU HAVE A MYSPACE?: my mom knows everythiing
DO YOU WEAR NAILPOLISH?: clear except on my toes i wear some shade of purple
DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE RIGHT NOW?: yeah i keep at least 5 in rotation so i dont get bored with my crushes
WHAT'S THE MOST ANNOYING TV COMMERCIAL?: i love commercials more than the shows
DO YOU SHOP AT AMERICAN EAGLE?: hell naw i shop at walmart and dots
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site"; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

Any body who can help me make money; cornel west for his intellect, master p for his business success tips, lil kim to ask her some personal questions, wendy williams cause she's hated by many and still gets respect, tui cause he's sexy, oprah cause who gives a fuck about j aniston brad pitt- what about bobby and whitney? and i wish i could of met 2pac


everything from e-40 and swisha house (early third coast fat pat, troy, keke, spm)to pac and jay coldplay lil kim scarface ti jeezy the list goes on. Can't stand 50 cent and mobb deep who i used 2 love sold out, love mary j feelin keisha cole common, old school rakim slick rick shall i continue?


SHOTTAS- if you ain't hip get hip! I'm bout it, the mack willie dynamite, gridlockd above the rim, grease, hairspray...


don't watch much t.v but i like 2 see rich folks act a fool so i like e true hollywood stories. love the style network mtv sometimes bet is cool i guess oh i love family guy and degressi. degrassi is the shit!


the coldest winter ever, anything pretty much out of triple crown publications, anything by donald goines and iceburg slim, and the isis papers


i am my own heroe because i done came from the bottem of crop and i'm rising like cream and if you a money minded individual u should get on my team...