Allis Chalmers antique tractors, Brownies, 4H, theatre shows, music (lots of music in our house!!), The Andy Griffith Show!!!!!Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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Brad: Sarah Evans - she's a deal breaker. Ellie Mae Walker~~~~Melissa: Jon Bon Jovi and Trace Adkins - deal breakers!!
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You name it - we'll enjoy it!
What's that!?!?!? although we did see an old movie a while back called "Angel in my Pocket" - google it - it's worth it!
The Andy Griffith Show, Classic Tractor Fever (that show ROCKS!!!!) My Name is Earl, Mythbusters, Overhaulin', ER, Scrubs, Still Standing, Dirty Jobs, Trick My Truck, most things on Discovery for Brad and HGTV for Melissa.
Brad - Indiana Auto and RV, Toy Farmer, Allis Chalmers Data Book - aka AC Bible. ~~~~~ Melissa - give me a book and I'll read it!
John Retter - "my brother figger"~~Matt Clouse - "hey cuz"~~Ernest T. Bass - "Howdy Doo to You 'n You"~~ Dr. Phil - just kidding!