Kel KelSo my name is kellie and i graduated from West campus high I play ball at central arizona in coolidge (home of the 2005 national chapms!) and i love it here! the girls are hella fun to be around our team is going to be phenominal this year! umm lets see i have a black lab named josie and she is my best friend i have two brothers and a sister that looks nothing like me but i love her anyway.I love hanging out with friends even when theres nothing to do besides throw sunflower seeds at eachother or dye crr brr and kristie have a band called Sideways and have a hit single called Love Me..dont be jealous lol you can find us on two or more occasions a week at walmart because that is the place to be is Casa Grande..... i play my guitar to entertain jessica while she sleeps with my dog. Our own version of Fear Factor takes place in the cafe de vaquera's with me and kristie and amanda making drinks that we consume for a prize. ummm lol dont ask why..its entertainment...i love the beach and boogie boarding.. my favorite animal is a pink flamingo named freddie and a teddy bear named teddy..origional i know...i love playing softball!!! i am going on my 12th year! i love brat pitt he is the love of my life and im going to marry him he just doesnt know it yet...ummmmmmm o ya he is also going to have my babies and gabby wagner is going to be their aunt! also i would like to mention that jessica loves britany spears and her baby..yes yes she does.
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