I like to watch films, read boooks and stuff like that
i love hanging with my friends and i love to people watch lol!
I love spending time with my locky baby!! (my cat!)THIS LITTLE PERSON IS MY CARTOON CHARACTER ALTEREGO!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Elvis (yes that was me who taught him to shake his thang!! :P)
umm i dunno really
id like to see my nan again coz i cant really remember her :(
umm someone who could improve my singing voice!
MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts
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MySpace Backgrounds
I cant write all the bands i like in this little box!! in the words of the Adam : 'il listen to anything as long as i like it!' lol i like most stuff really but umm i dont really like hip-hop, hardcore rock stuff, dance, drum and bass, ummm i dunno lol i may like one or two songs in those genres but its not really wat i like to listen to! my fave song/ band always changes! lol sooo all i can say is ...
loads and loads i loooove moooosic!! :DTHIS VIDEO IS AWESOME!!!!!! OK Go - "Here It Goes Again" Buy OK Go - Oh No at iTunes.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i like loads ... Interview with a vampire, The fifth element, A life less ordinary, The corpse bride, The perfect catch, The nightmare befoe christmas, The princess bride, Bill and teds excellent adventure, Erin Brokivitch (sorry really cant spell that!) etc etc.... loads more lol i love watching films!!
Charmed, Scrubs, Friends, C.S.I, Bones, Without a trace etc etc... I also spend most of my time flicking through the music channels i love them!! u can drool at people u like and laugh at people u dont!!! And have a good 'ole jolly sing-a-long! oh oh oh and i love miami ink! tis very wicked!
I like to read like girlie books like romantic ones I just read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gorden by Stephan King it was really really good and i dont normally read his books...
LOCKLYN- my little kitty kat i love him sooo much hes my baby!!!! Gareth- your the best brother ever!! i love out boxing day boxing fights!! and singing craig david all the way to germany!!!! (not my car, not my hotel, not my tunnel!!! lol :P) My mommy! your life inspires and makes all my problems seem stupid your a great mum and a great friend!! love you loads