My name is Chris Purifoy, I'm the founder and president of a bright new social music startup out of Nashville TN, BandFind Inc. For the most part I grew up in Arkansas. The guitar was my first real passion. I moved to the Nashville area when I was about 22 to go to college for Recording Industry Management. I figured out pretty quickly that the music business was my niche. After college I found my place in the social technology industry just in time for the music 2.0 boom. I have always had my hand on a computer and the general science of innovation fascinates me to no end. I enjoy solving problems and love a good challenge. I am a firm believer that the music industry has yet to see its brightest days, yet I am also a realist. This IS a recording industry crisis. I believe that the key to finding a solution is in changing the consumers thinking not battling their behavior. Either way, I truly believe that a restored music industry is rapidly approaching. You can see my personal mission statement here .
My real passion is The Restoring Music Foundation. It was founded to provided a foundation for growth in the Recording Industry. I author the project and I am a proud member of the Music Think Tank & IAMwe Innovations . If you are a music professional, please check it out. We need your help.
Community Project Series from Jedidiah Clothing on Vimeo .