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I am here for Friends

About Me

GARINE] is the name;; i qo by Giqi;; the aqe that i am is the aqe i act;; im a Gemini.. There's aLot to know about me... [RANDOMSz] ..I LOVE.. ;qettinq my nails done;;qettinq new hairstyles;;pumpz && boots;;takinq pictures;;chinese food;;nice whips;;my cell phones;;jewelry;;clothes;;music;;New Yorkk;;My Family;;Jamaica;;Life Itself. ..I DONT LIKE.. liars & cheaters;;too much make-up;;wack rappers;;bummy neqros;;cocky brawds;;messy hair;;nasty food;;sushi;;insects;;uglies;;biterz;; too much to be said. ..FRIENDS.. dont consider too many people my friends;; people are somethinq else these days;; No one can be trusted;; 2 Many backstabbers.