Ceri-Delyn profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

flowers layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
HotFreeLayoutsHello there!I've been avoiding My space for a while now, and its about time i made it worth viewing! I'm Ceri-Delyn, Delyn to a few near and dear people. I'm 17, will be 18 in june (roll on!) I'm in 2nd year 6th form in pwllheli, doing a levels in English literature, History and Welsh, and i want to to go to uni next year.I'm short and livley most of the time. I've been a grumpy cow these last few months, but the old Ceri's coming back with a vengance baby, so be warned!!I like long walks on the beach and candle lit...yeah i can't even finish that crap. give me some credit! I love being with my friends, friends are family you chose, so my friends mean the world to me. I love dancing, can dance for hours and i don't care how i look, if im hot and sweaty, who gives a damn? life's way too short to worry about pretences, there's fun to be had baby - so bring it on!I live by a few simple rules - Life would be empty without passion. We all Smile in the same language. If you want respect, treat others with respect. Same goes with being nice or whatever... give to get - 'tis the secret of life (and no smart asses, i don't mean give something so they give you something back, just be kind. at the risk of sounding miss worldish, the world would be a better place if every one was kinder!)Bottom line, with me all you need to know, i can be kind, funny, nice, trustworthy. Unless you do something to betray my trust then be warned, Hell hath no Fury, like Ceri scorned....!!!xxxx1. Full Name: Ceri Delyn Clarke 2. Nicknames: Delyn, Chwan, Ciw Peg 3. Birthday: June the 6th 4. Place of Birth: Cardiff 5. Zodiac Sign: Gemini 6. Male or Female: Female 7. Grade: 2nd year 6th form 8. College: Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Pwllheli 9. Occupation: Student and Asda - cool yeah?!?! haha!! 10. Residence: Pen Llyn 11.msn screen name: *Delyn* I don't like you, you can't stand me, I cant love you any more than this...*C.C* __Your Appearance___12. Hair Color: Brown 13. Hair Length: Long 14. Eye color: greenish 16. Height: 5 foot, im a titch!! 17. Braces?: in the past 18. Glasses?: nope! 19. Piercings: yep 20. Tattoos: yep 21. Righty or Lefty: righty___Your 'Firsts'___22. First best friend: um...sian or bethan i guess? 23. First Award: haha when i beat Kim the dog in a race - whoo! real aword...karate i guess 24. First Sport You Joined: ballet or swimming 25. First pet: potty the mouse and janet the cat 26. First Real Vacation: spain (bleuch!) 27. First Concert: Natasha Bedingfield! haha rock on! 28. First Love: Harry Cae Glas i guess!! i was 5...!___ Favorites___29. Movie: Thelma and Louise!!! Nightmare b4 xmas, rocky horror, notebook, dirty dancing, beaches, mean girls. grese, sound of music, scream, kill bill 2, sister act 1 and 2.... 30. TV programme: Desperate Housewives,Friends,scrubs, sex and the city, braniac, 31. Color: orange and yellow 32. Rapper: oh god c'mon 33. Band: Fratellis, Flaming Lips, GOO GOO DOLLS!! 34. Song Right Now: It takes two/ aint no mountain high enough - marvin gaye, better not look down bb king, and anything by dolly parton! 35. Friends: jesus this could take a while!! Cara, heidi, owen, ceri ff, hannah, ceri b,jodie, chaz, ceri p, zoe, mali, hannah b, annie, emma, lois, ifan, iwan, lois p, elfair, angie g! laura, iola, awen, gwawr, rhian, gwenno ac anwen de pobl!! ...ym pwy arall dwa'...? sorry if i left any one out!! 36. Sweet: choccies!! 37. Sport to Play: Badminton and net ball 38. Restuarant: any veggie food will o me fine ta! 39. Favorite brand: um.. Asos?! river island...? 40. Store: as above 41. School Subject: History! 42. Animal: ELIPHANTS love them so much 43. Book: to kill a mockingbird, where rainbows end... 44. Magazine: More 45. Shoes: Heel's and flipflops. i love being barefoot___Currently___46. Feeling: Very content and quite happy :) 47. Single or Taken?: in between 48. Have a crush: Yes 49. Eating: Nothing 50. Drinking: Nothing 51. Typing: This crap 52. Online?: obviously 53. Listening To: fratellis 54. Thinking About: a new hair style...god i'm shallow! 55. Wanting To: be as happy as i am right now all the time! 56. Watching: Nothing 57. Wearing: jeans, flowery shoes, my dad's socks, and an off the shoulder top thats annoying the hell out of me coz it keeps falling down!!___Your Future___58. Want Kids?: Yes 59. Want to be Married?: Yes, one day if my faith is restored 60. Careers in Mind: teacher, travel journalist 61. Where do you want to live: Cardiff, San Fransisco,...we'll see where i end up 62. Car: um i don't know! thunderbird 65 convertable! (green!)__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___63. Hair color: dark...or light haha don't mind 64. Hair length: Shortish 65. Eye color: bright, colour i don't mind 66. Measurments:taller than me (really not hard!!) 67. Cute or Sexy: Sexy 68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs 70. Short or Tall: Tall 71. Easygoing or serious: Easygoing! but can be serious when needed 72. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaniously romantic! 73. Fatty or Skinny: not bothered 74. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive 75. Hook-up or Relationship: don't know 76. Sweet or Caring: Caring 77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Someone in between both___Have you ever______78. Kissed a Stranger: Yes 79. Had Alcohol: Yes 80. Smoked: nope 81. Ran Away From Home: wanted to! 82. Broken a bone: Na 83. Got an X-ray: only on my head - braces - bleurgh! 84. Been with someone: Ye 85. Broken Someones Heart: I hope not 86. Broke Up With Someone: Yes 87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes 88. Cried At School: Yes___Do You Believe In___89. God: I'd like to 90. Miracles: Ye 91. Love At First sight: pass 92. Ghosts: Yep 93. faries: yep 94. Soul Mates: surprisingly, i do 95. Heaven: ish 96. Hell: ish 97. Angels: yeah, giardian angels 98. Kissing on The First Date: kiss wherever and whenever the feeling strikes you, jesus life's too short!! 99. Horoscopes: ye sometimes___Answer Truthfully___100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't have?: doesn't every one? Love and peace, you're a hippy chick! You are a Hippie Chick The '60s are over, but their legacy of peace and love lives on in you, a genuine, granola-loving Hippie Chick. A fan of flowing skirts, flat sandals, and all-natural organic food, you probably wear your hair long and loose so you can always go with the flow. The rhythm of your life is definitely laid-back and groovy. Genuine and unpretentious, you're a free spirit with a big heart. After winning your man's heart, you'll take him on a pilgrimage to Glastonbury and make him wear flowers in his hair. And he'll love every minute of it. All in all, you've got just the right mix of idealism and social conscience to keep any man trippin' over you, right into your arms.Take the quiz:
Which Super Hero/ Villain are you?

Your are Spiderman, Your a good guy who fiights to protect his loved one,
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm... a lot of people. Ali, Nelson Mandella, Janice Dickinson!!, Holly Marie Combs, if she wasn't dead then princess Diana, Jesse Metcafe, Dolly Parton!!! and Johnny Cahs if he was alive also, Wayne from the flaming lips - sexiest old man ever, George bush (so i cud B***h slap him), Susan Sarandon, and any one from Rocky Horror! Owen Willson, coz he's lovley. Oh! and if Rasputin was still alive - that man has always amazed me. since i was like 10.
You Are Blonde Highlights
Men see you as flexible and versatile - you fit in to every situation You've got the inner glow of a blonde, the intensity of a redhead... And the wisdom of a brunette. How Blonde Are You?that actualy matches my hair colour!! weird huh?!

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