"Let Love Take You..."
So About Me?.. Well my full name is Christian Guy Johnson, I go by Christian Guy, why? hmm.. idk sounds cooler? Any way... I would like to think that there is good in everyone... I think every one deserves to be loved, Im not saying I do this, it is hard when people are jerks... but you need to forgive. I KNOW the world can be a better place if ever one just loves each other.
So enough of this deep stuff, lets get to the nitty gritty. I play in a band called This Great Escape, I probably might be the writer, guitarist, and singer... don't take my word for it though i could be wrong! I LOVE writing songs, to me its the best way to relive stress. What else.. Hmm.. I am a proud virgin! I enjoy helping people out with there problems. Oh, this goes with my name.. ready? Okay.. so my name is Christian Guy ANDD I'm a Christian.. who is a Guy.. pretty nifty huh! I'm VERY opinionated, I like to speak my mind lol.
"All things work together for good for those who love God'' - Rom 8:28
Red = Places Ive been 23 - 50
My Home, Summer '08.
p.s. If any one wants to go on a
road trip. I have the hook up ;)