TRACK AND FIELD: TC Track and Field is just another stage in my career. It is pushing me towards the Olympics. This year I broke 8 records at Thiel College and recieved numerous awards. With the help of Kandiace, Fontella, and Kate, we made the 4x100 first team and broke the PAC record.GOD: He completes everything about me. He made me into who I am. today.
My favorite...
...color is blue
...animals are dogs are track and field and football
...season is summer
...TV show are CSI, Law and Order, Veronica Mars, 24...
...drink is water are Nancy Drew Mysteries is none are my birthday and Christmas are and
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Iman Abdul Majjid, she's my idol for modeling.
Carl Lewis, he's my idol for track.
Avant, he's going to sing at my wedding for me, but it will be to me from him!!!
What makes you attractive? by EsSeXlAyDeE
Your eyes Are beautiful
Your smile Lights up the room
Your voice Makes the men shiver
Your body Is hot
Your hair Attracts everyones attention
You Are beautiful
To the opposite sex you are Perfect marriage material
Give Me You Video - Mary J. Blige lyrics .. Mary J. Blige Music Videos Music Video Codes by VideoCure
My # 1 is the big G.O.D.!!! He's done marvelous work in my life. Next would have to be my parents. Even though they get on my nerves, just about every day, I would not want to have any other parents in my life. Well except for my in-laws.