I like to do basically anything. I'm pretty versatile to be honest with you. I play/ed soccer, ran cross country and track. I'll do pick up games of basketball or football. I enjoy watching movies (with sexy woman of course). Drinking..O.k. maybe I shoulda put that one first because hell who doesn't like to drink in Wisconsin!!
I'd like to meet my music hero Eminem. My second person I would like to meet is God..but that's only a request I want if I can achieve it before I'm dead. David Chapelle would be fun to meet also because he's one funny mo fo.
Country "Yeah I know hate me for this one" Rap "If it's got a beat it brings people to their feet" Some alternative That hard rock shit can stay outta my stereo bc you can't understand what they're saying anyways.
Anything funny, scary "even the old ones", Action "Denzel Washington fucking rocks!!". Always willing to watch something new even if the critiques say it's going to suck.
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Haha Well I'm not all that studious even with four years of college under my belt. So my favorite book I would have to say is one where the number of picture pages outweigh ones without pictures.
I'd have to say that my biggest hero is God because honestly ask yourself. If a hero is someone who you look up to and want to be like..who in their right mind wouldn't want to be god!! :)