Chuck profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

friends, individuals in the mortgage business, individuals in the music industry, & any other interesting people out there!


I enjoy several types of music. I listen to rock, pop, rap, trance...ect. Trance was a type of music I never heard until coming to South Florida and I really enjoy it. No other music can get you off your ass and dance like a crazy person the way the trance does. I'm not a country music fan, but I can tolerate it if I have to. Music is definatly something I have a very open mind to.


Comedy movies are my favorite. Old School, Theres something about Mary, Wedding Crashers, Envy..ect. I also like a good horror movie. My least favorite type of movie is sciene fiction. If I'm hungover and there aren't any good sports on TV, you'll find me chillin on the couch to a good movie!


I've really taken a liking to reality TV. I'm a huge Dog the Bounty Hunter fan, I like The Apprentice, American Choppers, Idol, and others as well. And of course, any sports being covered on TV!


I have to admitt that I'm not a big reader. I'll occassionaly pick up a paper and read certain sections, but its definately not a regular occurance. I do enjoy reading hollywood gospil in People Magazine though!! Thats pretty bad right??


Michael Jordan has always been a huge inspiration in my life. Growing up, he was definately my idol. The older I've gotten, the more I've realized how smart he is on a business level as well. He's just a well rounded individual. Last but not least, my parents. For all the sacrifices they've made and for all the lessons in life they've taught me. I will be forever greatful for that.