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About Me

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2006 and 2007 NCAA Basketball National Champions
1996 and 2006 NCAA Football National Champions
Just sold the bike, I miss her.
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and hwo at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat." - Teddy Roosevelt
"The Greatest Glory In Living Lies Not In Never Falling, But In Rising Every Time We Fall "
Here we go, the name is Bryan, I was born and raised in Sarasota, FL. Went to Sarasota High and graduated in 2004, then went to MCC for a year, but then joined the Marine Corps in Feb. of 2006. I Love The Marine Corps and Fucking Hate The Marine Corps, but usually hate it. Most of all I miss my family and friends back home. Right now I am in Yuma, AZ and it kind of blows.
I'm big into sports and motorcycles. I love boxing and MMA, but boxing a little more. I'm an adrenaline junky, I take risks, I'm very instinctive, I don't always think things through. Some people would say that I'm an asshole, I don't think I am, I just tell it like it is. I am told that I am cocky, but I think it's just confidence. I am single, pretty much been single my whole life, I am very picky. Not too many people know the real me, but that's life.
Well, I guess that sums it up, I'm probably one of the most interesting guys you will ever meet, nobody really understands me, except me and maybe a few other people, I have big aspirations in life, so we shall see if I can live up to them.....
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
"We Few, We Happy Few, We Band Of Brothers; For Whoever Has Shed His Blood With Me, Shall Be My Brother."

My Interests

Drinking, Going to the Gym, Drinking, Boxing, More
Drinking, and Fucking Drinking, oh and don't forget
The Fucking Marine Corps until Jan. 31st 2011. I'll
probably shoot myself before that though.

Boxing, Bikes(My Ride Is A 2005 GSX-R 600), Layed Out
Vehicles(Used To Have A Bagged/ Bodydropped S-10, Will
Build Another One Someday), Sports(Especially UF), and

The Old Truck

I'd like to meet:

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Two Hundred Random Questions Survey
1. Do you smile a lot? Yes I Do
2. What is your eye color? Blue and Green, It Depends
3. Do you believe in life after love? Yes
4. When do you get up? Depends
5. Cars or planes? Both
6. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? Yeah
7. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon Bits
8. Have you ever sworn? Yes
9. What was your New Year's resolution? Cut down on Drinking
10. What's your favorite band? Too Many
11. What is your favorite IM acronym (lol, omg, ttyl, etc)? lmao
12. What is your favorite word? ****
13. Who did you last talk to? A Few Different Folks
14. Do animals go to Heaven? Yes
15. Have you ever been home schooled? No
16. Who do you want to meet? A Beautiful Woman Who Is Not Taken, and Not A Whore
17. What would you NEVER change about the past? My Youth
18. Have you ever told someone that you loved them? Yes
19. Explain what you think about abortion. Don't Generally Agree With It...
20. What do you think of reality TV? Eh
21. Do you stop to smell the roses? Sometimes
22. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yes
23. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Nope
24. What do you do most when you're bored? Masterbate Or Surf The Internet
25. What is your favorite type of music? Lots
26. What's one unique thing about you? Alot
27. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? Nope
28. Favorite comic strip? None
29. Have you ever been to a concert? Nope
30. Say something annoying. deedeedee
31. Have you ever written a poem? Nope
32. Have you ever smoked? Yes
33. Dominos or Pizza Hut? Dominos
34. What is the perfect day for you? Not Working
35. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? My Drive Out Here, 2500 Miles
36. What's your favorite drink? Pabst Blue Ribbon, Natural Light, lol. Umm Grateful Deads
37. What does your name mean? ?????????? Badass?
38. Do you wear cologne? Sometimes
39. Sprite or 7Up? Sprite
40. Do you believe in free will? Yes
41. What were you doing at midnight last night? Masterbating?
42. Group or single dates? Single
43. Have you ever been drunk? Yes
44. What's your favorite animal? Dog
45. Do you like taking surveys? No
46. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? No
47. Orange juice or apple juice? Orange
48. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist? No
49. Last time you saw your mom? Beginning Of Feb.
50. Have you ever cried in public? Uhh Yeah
51. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? Cell
52. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? No
53. Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? Six Flags
54. Last time you were really really mad? Everyday
55. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: My Wiener Length
56. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Sure
57. Do you ever cook? Not Anymore, **** ing Barracks
58. Logic or art? Both
59. Magazines or books? Magazines
60. What would you change about the past? Quitting Sports For A Job
61. Favorite year so far? Not 2005 or 2006
62. One best friend or many good friends? Many Best Friends
63. Do you like your neighbors? Why or why not? Sure
64. Have you ever been to a different country? Mexico
65. How do you vent anger? Gym
66. Do you like cats? Eh
67. Are your parents still together? Nope :/
68. Do you have any piercings? Nope
69. Have you ever bought a car? Yes
70. Favorite athlete? Oscar De La Hoya, Arturo Gatti, Frank Thomas, Emmitt Smith, Wanderlei Silva
71. Have you ever read an article about defeating MySpace addiction? No
72. Mints or chewing gum? Gum
73. Have you ever kissed someone? Yes
74. Do you have a boyfriend? No
75. Have you ever stolen something over $20? No
76. Have you ever danced in public? Yes
77. What does the world need more of? Beautiful Single Women
78. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes
79. How do you align yourself politically? Libertarian, If You Don't Know, Look It Up
80. Do you have a soul? Yes
81. Would you lie to your best friend? Negative
82. Have you ever been to college? Yes
83. Do you own a camera phone? Yes
84. Who do you NOT want to meet? Roseanne
85. Abercrombie or Hollister? Abercrombie
86. Is there happiness in slavery? Maybe
87. Favorite city? Not Yuma
88. Do you believe in love? Yes
89. Do you shower daily? Yes
90. Do you believe in aliens? Nope
91. Do you like depressing music? Yes
92. What is your favorite type of ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
93. When is your birthday? April 6th
94. Have you ever trusted in Jesus Christ as your savior? Yes
95. Would you have plastic surgery? Maybe, Like If I Broke My Nose or Some ****
96. Last time you spent $100, and what for? Paid My Car Insurance
97. Have you ever been on the radio? Nope
98. Shorts or pants? Shorts
99. Explain your political beliefs. Libertarian
100. Do you have a cell phone? Yes
101. Do you believe in the external world? Eh
102. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? Nope
103. What is your favorite hair style? Depends
104. Have you ever gone to a mall? Yes
105. Drums or guitar? Both?
106. Do you sing? Nope
107. Ocean or pool? Ocean
108. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? Broc, 16 years
109. Have you ever gone to a private school? Nope
110. Sneakers or flip-flops? Flip-Flops
111. How are you feeling right now? Bored
112. Would you go skinny dipping? Yes
113. Good or evil? Both
114. Do you believe in love at first sight? Kinda
115. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? Actually No :/
116. Flip-flops or slippers? Flip-Flops
117. Do you like the taste of blood? It's Bland
118. What is your screen name? Wouldn't You Like To Know...
119. Would you try to take over the world? No
120. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? The New Snoop Does
121. Do you believe in yourself? Yes
122. Do you personally know any bums? Nope
123. Watching or playing sports? Both
124. Do you like cows? Sure
125. Weekdays or weekends? Anyday I Don't Work
126. Have you ever been high... on life? Uhh, Sure
127. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda? Nope
128. Favorite food? Prime Rib
129. Favorite celebrity? Jessica Alba
130. Do you sleep naked? Sometimes
131. What is one thing that annoys you? People
132. Have you ever made a blood oath? Nope
133. French or Italian? Eh
134. Do you like walks in the park? Eh
135. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? I Wish I Could Quit My Job
136. Have you ever been in a movie? Nope
137. Long or short hair? Depends
138. Last time you saw your dad? End Of Jan
139. Do you get annoyed easily? Sometimes
140. Do you like poetry? Sure
141. Do you have a blog? Nope
142. Name one person you love, and why: Myself, I'm Wicked Cool
143. Do you play an instrument? Nope
144. Have you ever been homeless? Nope
145. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Damn, LOL
146. Meat or veggies? Meat
147. Do you hate yourself? Nah
148. Have you ever been beat up? Nope
149. Tastes great, or less filling? Both
150. Do you hate someone? Nah
151. Disney or Warner Brothers? Eh
152. Do you brush and floss? Sometimes I Do Not Floss
153. Bagels or chicken? Chicken
154. Collar popped or normal? Normal
155. Have you ever cut yourself? LOL, With A Grinder
156. Have you ever cut off a limb? Nope
157. Do you study the Bible? Negative
158. Do you find dead people interesting? Nah
159. Would you date someone younger than you? Yes
160. Have you ever searched for your own name on Google? Yes
161. Yahoo or Google? Google
162. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
163. Do you feel sad often? Sometimes
164. Do you smoke? Sometimes
165. Pain or no gain? Pain
166. What was the last compliment you received? Today?
167. Do you like holidays? Yes
168. What are you wearing right now? Stupid **** ing Cammys
169. Have you ever failed drivers' ed? Why? Nope
170. Would you chug beer? yes
171. Do you like seafood? Yes
172. Favorite country? USA
173. Explain what you think about hippies. Whatever Floats Your Boat
174. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope
175. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? That A Dog Or Whatever It Was Called
176. Have you ever eaten sushi? Yes
177. Have you ever been racist? Sure
178. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? No
179. Have you been on drugs? Never
180. Have you ever made a promise you'd die to keep? Nope
181. What is something you wish you were better at? Riding A Unicycle
182. Do you believe in soul mates? Yes
183. Have you ever been suspended from school? Nope
184. Are you a vegetarian? Nope
185. Would you give me $5? No
186. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? Uh, Yeah, Well Duh
187. What's your family like? Cool
188. Are you rude? Sometimes
189. Do you know how to drive a car? Yes
190. How easily do you trust people? Why? Depends
191. What is your lucky number? 1
192. Would you go rock climbing? Sure
193. Have you ever done yoga? Nope
194. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? Suzuki, To Buy Another GSX-R
195. New York or California? Cali
196. Are you artistic? Nope
197. Are all the pigs lined up? Eh
198. Do you know how to drive stick? Not The Greatest At It
199. What is your favorite sport? Football
200. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? Over 48 Hours Take this 200q survey!
Find more myspace surveys




All of the Rocky's, Flags Of Our Fathers, Blackhawk
Down,Boondock Saints and all of the American Pie's, but
not that dumbass Bandcamp shit, fuck that, I refuse to
watch that shit(Actually, I did watch it, it's not toobad,
not as good as the other 3, but pretty good). Oh and a
bunch of others.


Sports and thats about it, maybe some Family Guy or South
Park if I catch it on.


The Bible, SI, ESPN, The Ring, Road Racer X, a few others.


And this guy, fucking Stifler

Gotta Love Mike

My Blog

Cribs, Marine Corps Style

My big room, its like 8x12, I share it with another dude, and we both share the bathroom with the 2 dudes next door. Awesome huh. its huge huh? my big tv and fridge that hardly works my closet, I ...
Posted by Bryan on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 08:12:00 PST