It's all about. . . Baseball ~n~ Competitive Cheerleading.....
Other interests ~ ~ SWEETS...ummmm...mmmmm ~ ~ Porto's chocolate croissant * McD's hotfudgeSundae w/ nutz, PLEEZE** Toblerone * FerreroRocher * Lindt * MacKrunch ~~CHOCOLATE~~ Most favorite of all ~ CREME BRULEE ~n~ mah CaramelRootieaLatte (even though they discontinued it)~ ..
~~NEW & OLD FRENZ.....***Friends~~How many of us have 'em?
Any type of music.....especially ones I can shake my booteh to .......I also LOVE Slow JAMMMMZZZZ .... when i unwind ...... jus'2relax ...... especially I doze off to LALALand ....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Who can ever get tired of the Classical Disney movies: The Little Mermaid ....; Cinderella ....; the ever so popular Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ......My old time favorites .... Cool Runnings .....My Father the Hero ..... no matter how many times I've watched it...... it still leaves me roll'n on da ground ...... it cracks me up everytime! .......A story about DETERMINATION ...... MOTIVATION......and......UNITY....."Remember the Titans.....***Gladiator*TheOutsiders*
It's all about TIVO!!!
~~Les' Miserables...... More importantly ** Med-Surge Nursing by Lewis~Collier ** CriticalCareNursing ** Fundamentals of Nursing ** and all the other goodies to improve my skills and for KNOWLEDGE.
Of course my MOM ............ AWWWWWW!!!!!