<The gReaTesT> profile picture

&lt;The gReaTesT&gt;

my last is the first, try to think...

About Me

Im usually a little shy at first, but once I get comfortable Im a fun & clever person who always loves a good laugh. Laughter really is the best medicine. I'm a sunshine person. In the winter I just chill out & am laid-back. In the summer I go CrAzY! Im often very outgoing & spontaneous. I love listening to people & try to help out when I can. Never hesitate to call me & vent. My ears are always open. I am also very affectionate. I love to be loved & am always up for a nice, big hug. Call me a big teddy bear & cuddle with me! Im a neat-freak; I hate clutter & junk. Never give me a knick-knack as a gift! Im a very emotional person, so watch out. Im optimistic & pessimistic at the same time (optimistic for others, & pessimistic for myself). I tell people not to hide their emotions, yet half the time I swallow my own. Im working on that. I dislike almost all forms of confrontation, mostly because of problems Ive had with it in the past, however if it is necessary I'll do it. I choose my battles carefully. I sometimes let people walk all over me, but not nearly as much as I used to. Im a worry-wart. I seem to attract those What if? questions. I dont really let them bother me anymore, though sometimes they irritate the crud outta me. I can find ways to get along with anyone for the most part, even if I dont like them. People need to learn how to put aside their differences & not let them get in the way of things. I dont like to voice who I dislike. Im a peacekeeper. If theres a conflict, I work to resolve it as soon as possible. I love to people-watch. Humans are quite an interesting species to study. They often do the strangest &/or funniest things when the think no one is watching! Communication is awesome, be it verbal or physical. Im one who loves attention, so if I annoy you, please tell me that I am doing so & I'll back off. Im always up to meeting new people. Every new person is blessed with my respect & kindness, & it is theirs indefinitely unless they do something that makes them no longer worthy. Im very competitive & sometimes am a sore winner/loser. Quite often I am very nerdy. Umm, yeah, I sound psycho but Im really not! Im cool, I swear! :-) Everything happens for a reason. I am not ashamed of my mistakes, because I've learned from all of them & they've only made me a better, stronger person. Living with regrets only keeps you down. Despite my flaws (& yes, everyone has them some are just afraid to admit it), I dont think I could be any happier with myself & who I am. No matter what I am determined to succeed. You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had, always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret, people change, things go wrong, just remember... LIFE GOES ON. When I'm not busy with school or work, I love to hang out with friends, party, watch movies... all of the usual things. Hmm... anything else you wanna know about me, you'd have to ask! Dont be shy!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:






[My Friend??] img src="http://myspace-036.vo.llnwd.net/00749/63/00/749460036_m .jpg"