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Konrad Tademar

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Konrad Tademar is the pseudonym of Konrad Raphael Wilk a native-born Los Angelino of Polish descent. Rather than a nom de plume, it is his nom de guerre because "Freedom of speech is a war against censorship, and poets are the warriors who fight that war on behalf of freedom."As a young boy Konrad Wilk spent five years living in Poland where he witnessed the rise of the anti-communist Solidarity labor union; he came back to the United States ten days before Martial Law was declared. He has lived most of his life in Hollywood and began to write poetry seriously while at Los Angeles City College while studying Philosophy and Literature where he was president of the Poet's Platform for two yearsHe has made occasional appearances in coffee houses (such as the Onyx, Ground's Zero in Hollywood, Magicopolis Theater in Santa Monica, and most recently at the Wilshire Art Gallery for the Polish Art Festival where he was also the M.C.). He has been writing poetry continuously now, for over twenty years. His current project is “The Myth of Katherione” a philosophical science fiction novel.In 1991 Konrad founded the Witching Hour Poetry Gathering, and has been hosting it ever since. In 2002 Along with a dedicated group of artists he founded the Pecan Pie Organization dedicated to art-house film production, stage performances and music videos.Konrad’s directorial debut is entitled “Garden of Delights,” a film he also produced and wrote. His next films currently in post production are “Gloria Fuerta,” and “Converse.”
Anatol Borowik śpiewa : "Modlitwę F.V".B.Okudżawy

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Director Wong Kar Wai

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