I'm currently working towards a degree in veterinary medicine. I would love to work with exotic felines! However, i spend most of my days working with dogs.
All the people i grew up with, the people i spent many drunken nights with, The ARRRGCore Grrls! Memebers of the fight club, & all the people i used to get plain stupid with, You know who you are!!!
I appreciate the classics! The Man in Black, The KING of Rock 'N Roll, & Ole' Blue Eyes, of course! You know southern girls love southern rock!!! There are many more but who has the time, or patience to list them all!
If you really must know then I guess you'll just have to ask!
Blah! Blah! Blah! I love Cable! (c:
Most of the books I read are about Religion, Spirituality, Sexuality, Forensic Science, Biology, & the occasional Science Fiction novel. I also, read alot of comic books (yes, I'm still a kid at heart).
My biggest influence has always been my big brother. I love you Bob!