I really don't care how u look because i was tought never to juge a book by it's cover. And all i'm really looken 4 is someone who can make me laugh when ever i'm sad, who could hold me and never let me go.
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"BLOOD BIBLE!! ashes 2 ashes dust 2 dust in blood we trust in ckrabz we bust if u kill a ckrab u win a prize if u kill a blood ur whole family dies!! and remember blue birds cant fly in da red bloody hell 5 poppin 6 droppin 5 flyin 6 dyin 5 pimpin 6 trippin 5 bukin 6 dukin 5 komin 6 runnin 5 flaggin 6 draggin 5 rippin 6 drippin let it rain let it drip bust a ckrab in da lip let it fall, let them trip flip da clip and drop a crip Bloods are red ckrabs are blue disrespect my set and we ckomin 4 u BRAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! BLOODS PRAYER: NOW I LAY ME DOWN 2 SLEEP N 2 KEEP THA RED RAG NEAT IF I DIE B 4 I WAKE LET ME KILL EVERY CKRAB 2DAY AMEN. LeT iT rAiN LeT iT FLOOD KiLL A cKRiP NoT A BLOOD FLiP Da cKLiP DRoP A cKRiP n ThRoW a 5tOnE LeT iT 5KiP WaTcKh a BLOOD KiLL a cKRiP HaVe nO FeAr Da BLOOD5 i5 hErE LeT a BLOOD hAvE rAgE PuT a cKRiP iN Hi5 gRaVe B`5 Up C`5 dOwN 5 PoPPiN` 6 DRoPPiN` 5 BucKiN` 6 DucKiN` 5 FLyiN` 6 DyiN` 5 FLaGGiN` 6 DRaGGiN 5 cKLiPPiN 6 DRiPPiN` 5 cKoMMiN` 6 RuNNiN` 5 PiMpiN` 6 LiMpiN` 5 LeAviN` 6 BlEeDiN` 5 PuMpiN` 6 DuMpiN` 5 BaNgiN` 6 HaNgiN` 5 5mOkiN` 6 cKhOkiN` 5 aLiVe` 6 WiLL DiE` 5 RiDe` 6 HiDe` 5 BaLLiN` 6 FaLLiN` 5 ThUgGiN` 6 HuGgiN` 5 HeAd5` 6 DeAd` 5 KiLL` 6 5PiLL` 5hOt a cKRiP iN Hi5 HeAd LeT a cKRiP B 5cKaReD ThRoW My GuN iN Da AiR TeLL a cKRiP B WaRe cKAUSE WE CKUMINLET ME SEE IT THE BLUE RAG BURN.THE RESPECT THOSE MOTHERFUCKER WILL NEVER EARN.US BLOODS WE GET IT ALL.WE GONNA SEE ALL THEM BITCH ASS CRAB'S FALL. CAUSE THE BLOOD FAMILY STANDS TALL. AROUND ME I SEE RED RAG'S FLY'N AND ALL THE PUSSY ASS CRAB'S DIE'N. ALL WE CLAIM IS RED CAUSE THAT FLU ASS COLOR CAN'T FUCK WITH US IT'S ALREADY DEAD..Bz^ Cz down.....
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