This has been the same for so long, let's have a little change, shall we?
It's been forever, my friends. Let's talk again. Let's connect again.
You can call me Blue. But, if you don't like that, give me a nickname!
I'll talk to you if you talk to me. It's not that I don't like you if I don't talk to you, it's that I'm very shy. I do love to talk to people, I'm just scared sometimes.
I love playing guitar. Knowing that I can sit down and make a sound that no one has ever made before is immensely exciting to me. I play day and night, and, though I don't think I'm very good, I refuse to stop. Once I get my strings in my hands, you'll have to pry them out.
I also write poetry. It comes naturally with the music, doesn't it? I mostly just write what I'm thinking at the time, and occasionally throw it into a haphazard rhyme scheme, but usually I write free verse, with a general meter to it. My black notebook with my poems in it is my most personal possession. Very few people have seen what I've put on those pages, mainly because it's my distilled mind.
Also coming with the making of music comes the listening of music. I have a fairly wide range of music, from ultra-emo, to punk, to speed, to power metal, even teetering on the brink of screamo. However, don't try to force any growling "metal" on me; I won't take it. Brit pop is usually a plus, and anything in another language.
I'm a lexophile; a lover of words. Whether it's puns, haiku, poetry, or other wordplay, I love it all. I'm one of the few people who actually get a chuckle out of the phrase, "Haha, very punny."
I love foreign languages. Obviously, I'm fluent in English, but I'm also pretty good in Japanese. I'm fascinated with everything language: word origins, double meanings, obscure words, anything. The only language I don't like is Spanish. The strange word structure and odd pronunciation have always deterred me from it.
I am what has been called a Grammar Nazi. Nothing irritates me more than a poorly constructed sentence, or a misspelled word. Also, when on a computer, you have several friends you should remember. Their names are ". , ! ?" as well as the return key and the tab button.
Send me a request, introduce yourself, and strike up a conversation, I'll be happy to oblige anyone who wants to talk!