a great philosopher once said "molding the perfect booger is essential for a lengthy trajectory"; I think babies are cute; My Grandmother's cooking taste better than your grandmother; dog meat does NOT taste like chicken; tea over coffee; Rum cakes with vanilla bean ice cream on top are phenominal;; underwear skidmarks are an artform; whoever coined the expression "holy shit!" should be considered a poet;; a rock concert is a life-changing experience;; i can spell the word "cat" when i pee;; ONE LOVE; Sunday schedule should be as follows: God, my favorite girl, and FUTBOL;; my younger sister can kick your older brother's ass; never covet thy friend's girl, cash,and dope; NEVER SNITCH; Island hopping is a mind blowing experience; a chick's intellect is more potent than Viagra; notice emotion, run if necessary; i believe that religion is overated; im willing to pay a million bucks for peace of mind; id love to check out Jerusalem; i check my engine oil regularly;i dont drink that much anymore,but i still dont fear the hangover; avoid negative stimuli. never ending search for peace of mind; reggae and music gives me a lil piece of heaven, forget worries in life, try not to be an ass; surfing is the healthier way of getting high; dont be afraid to learn new tricks; vicky secret models turns me on; scratching your balls is therapy, girls are the most beautiful thing God created,, try not to be an ass twice....for me, Sunday is not the only day to feed the soul; find away to avoid negativity, and I always try be in good vibration.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
one person to watch for cops, a second person to haul the loot while I hold the hostage, and a third person to drive the get-away car (must be a good driver) :If interested please contact me.