This is lil-Mom (it's me)mainpage,my 2 others Page can u check in my TOP 1-2!
This profile was made at MyspaceGeeks.comAbout me-
Guten Tag,Hello,Namaste,
Hello dear friends,whatever!! My english isnt the best,but i try and learn everydays;-)
Page is dedicated 2 my cute babygirl!
I'm a lil Mommy from a very sweet Babydoughter,she is the Sun in my live!I love my Friends,I Thank you so very much for the assistance,help, courage and the big deeply Love and saved my Live since 15 years!!!Sometime thinkin my friends I'am icecold but isnt true,I'm not a Girl he talk about his Soulstuff or my minds!I doing this sometimes but this need a long time!
My heart is brocken since couple of years,i cant repair this!I'm nice peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable!
I write Lyrics in German and sometimes in english,u can see this in my Blogs(when u add me)!
I'am a nice and angry,lovely(i hope)Lady!U meet me or not is your deal!
2 The "lil" "bad" boys and Girls,i spank ur lil bare Bottom,honey!!!;-)
Also,is easy if u nice 2 me,i nice 2u!
I'm a Big River Phoenix Fan since 20 years and since 4 years a still Marshall Mathers aka Eminem Fan!I like since 12 years Wrestling spezial Shawn "HBK" Michaels he stand up whatever happend with him or his body!
I hate-Daipers ;-)),love-and heartless people,lies,Drugs,war,!I dont believe nothings in the I_NET!
No one people is better Than other people!!Respect yourself and your Friends and other people maybe that makes the world just a lil better,the childreen needs a better world!
Spezial Love 2 my Friends and Homegirls!!
I'm Constantly DELETING people that promise to write, but Never do.
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