Music (listening, playing, singing), playing sports, movies, air hockey, etc... Hey, I'm a kid at heart... Also, learning about the deeper things in life.
Jesus & Prince... Talking about from one end of the spectrum to the other. :-)I would like to ask Jesus about his time on earth. Did he have any reservations about dying for us? Yes, I can read the word, but there's nothing like going straight to the source.I would love to just sit down & pick Prince brain for a moment. You know, find out what he was thinking about or better yet, what motivated him when he wrote songs such as:International Lover (well we already know), Uptown, Adore (one of my favorites), When U Were Mine.
Anything from A to Z... Prince, Lenny Kravitz, Sade, Art of Noise, Zapp MaMa, JayZ, Robin Thicke... etc.Too many to add... But quality music. You know the kind where you know someone took the time to write the lyrics.
Okay, I have several favorites. I could write the usual as everyone else... Scarface, Malcom X, Heat, Devil's Advocate, etc... You know, all of the "blockbuster must-haves". Not taking anything from them, they are great. But what about...The Wizard of Oz :-) The Wiz Dirty Dancing Grease 2 (I liked it better than 1) Breakin (yes I went there)
I don't really watch alot of television. I am always working... Literally. I'm starting to think that I am a work-a-holic. :-)
Anything by Joyce Meyers, Rebecca Brown, Jesse Duplantis, & Kenneth Copeland... As you can see, I read alot of christian books (there's nothing like feeding your spirit man with some useful knowledge). But lets not forget my favorite book... The Bible. :-)
My mother... Even though we have our differences, I do look up to her. She has accomplished so much in her life even when the odds seemed to be against her. In the mist of so much negativity & closing doors, she raised me (along with 4 other children that wasn't hers), went back to school, graduated, & still managed to teach me the self respecting ways of being a young lady.