April profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Wow...this is kinda hard! ...very young at heart, but I have an old soul. I'm really really anal about organization...but only at work, at home...not so much! I'm extremely optimistic (sometimes to my detriment!). I strongly believe (the golden rule) that you MUST treat everyone the way you want to be treated...soooo important! I believe in karma (it's kicked my ass more than a few times!!!) I love life, my family and friends, and my Husband, Cruz! :
You are Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 90%
Supergirl 85%
Superman 65%
Spider-Man 60%
Green Lantern 55%
Robin 50%
Catwoman 45%
Hulk 40%
The Flash 30%
Iron Man 20%
Batman 10% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
src="http://www.myheritagefiles.com/H/storage/site1/files/89 /38/92/893892_123474eec6375492n89a07.JPG" width="500" height="574" border="0" >

Create your own family sticker graphic at pYzam.com

My Interests

playing pool, local music, magazines (weakness), photography, being happy!

I'd like to meet:

Rachel Bolan (Skid Row)...big crush since I was 15!!! Marissa Tomei...she seems to be a cool chic. John Stewart & Stephen Colbert...soooo funny! John Tuturro.....the shit! My maker...does that count? .... ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!



alot.....from Rush to Bad Religion and most everything in between, #1 Skid Row, 80's, glam rock, The Killers (alot right now!), hip hop, etc... I'm pretty open minded when it comes to music....country...not so much!!!


The greats...Mallrats, Army of Darkness, all of Johnny Depp's movies, movies that make me cry (and I do alot...I'm such a girl), kung fu.............on and on! I LOVE MOVIES!!!!


Weeds, UFC, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, CSI, and that's about it (TV kinda sucks right now!)


I know this is total cheese......but, I love Jackie Collins, I've read almost all of her books (SMUT!). All poetry by Rainer Marie Rilke, poetry in general, auto-biographies....


I believe if you put people on a pedestal, they usually will end up letting you down....not being negative, just honest! I try to give the utmost respect to everyone I can.

My Blog

Amazing Charity

Wow...where to begin? Ok, so every year my company allows us to donate 8 hours of work time to a charity. They give us around 6 to choose from. Last year I was supposed to work for Habitat for Human...
Posted by April on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 02:42:00 PST