sup sup I'm Carl! 21 years old... single, but happy - ok lets go bullets:
- modelED for Hollister for like a month in '08
- currently putting on weight to start my pro wrestling training in 2009
(haha ok done laughing? my goal = 200 lbs by December)
- say NO to olympic bar benching, use dumbbells instead (ok that's just advice)
- I coach club soccer in EA but otherwise I'm "between jobs" for now...
- SUNY Brockport for Communications and Business - just pulled a 3.8GPA this semester, ohhh myyyy!
- remixer, blender, and producer of music (not a "DJ," just a talented and interactive fan), along with making QUALITY mixtape covers for anyone with the bankroll...
- I'm a future Standard Process rep and poster boy, get to know me now so you can name drop me later hahaha ok right
haha ifff you need to know anything else, drop me a line here sketchers...
C-Squared Presents: Spring Break Oh-Eight - 11K plays in ONE week, check it out!
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"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, even months over analyzing a situation, trying to put together the pieces... justifying what could've, should've, would've... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and MOVE THE FUCK ON!" - 2Pac Shakur
Say what you will about Tom Cruise, but he is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT RIGHT in what he says here!!