About Me
I am a 26 y/o SAHM. I have 2 beautiful kids, a stepson and a very loving husband-9 years together and 6 years of marriage, both on May 2nd!!:o) We're all down south in Ga. If there's anything you want to know more about me than what I have here, just ask!
Let's see, here's some stuff about me:
I like to joke around, and a person that tries waaaay too hard at some things, and not enough at others. I love history, old music, and old movies...the classics.
I'd like to be more optimistic than I am, and I have issues with myself that I need to learn to deal with. I'm a good person, with a lot of flaws, but hell, that's what makes us human, right?
I don't like backstabbers, plain and
simple. You want drama? Go to a play!♥
You know what the best sound in the world is to me? My kids laughter....even if I'm down, their laugh brings a smile to my face.
I don't like it when you try to make new friends, and when you try to talk
about things, you almost don't know what to say....and there's that awkward silence...that's not fun...but I can talk your ear off if we connect!
My hubby is the best, I love him so much!!
My Fave car in the whole world is a '57 Chevy...and someday...someway...I will have one....and it'll be F***ing awesome!
I love hot chocolate on cold nights...oh, and coffee...
I LOVE coffee drinks...hell, just coffee in
general, lol
Riding down the road when I'm by myself, blasting the radio
loud and sing, good or bad, at the top of my lungs is awesome.
I collect all things dolphins, and have been addicted to all things Superman for a while as well.
I'm all about AIDS Awareness because 9 years ago on Nov. 29th,
1998, my uncle Joe passed away, from complications of AIDS that he had gotten while
he was a nurse. The song I heard several times before he died, and then right before he
died was Angel by Sarah McLachlan, and it's been a song I've kept close to my heart. He
was like a dad, he was there for me, spoiling me, doing for me what a dad would do for
his daughter. I will always remember him, always miss him, and always love him dearly.
Take one and call me in the