sassyinatl profile picture


Princess to many, Queen to one!

About Me

I am 27 y/o female. I live in Atlanta "southern girl". I am educated bachelors and masters degree. I am recently married to self made wedding may 07 we have a blended family. Faith My faith in God sustains and nurtures me. I may not always understand the reasons that my life is unfolding as it is. I have faith, however, that events and circumstances come about for my highest good. Taking a moment to be still, I listen. Placing my complete trust in God, I wait in the silence. Inviting God’s spirit within me to act through me, I follow as God leads me. The outcome may not appear in the way I had expected, but it will be the right one for me and for those I hold in prayer. My faith can never be too small. It is an absolute connection to God and my ultimate promise of well-being. Whether I am holding onto a tiny grain of faith or I see my faith as a mountain of possibilities, it sustains and nurtures me. “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”—Luke 17:6found this fashion layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests

I work hard and play hard! I love watching football(tv and live). I like to cook. I like to go to movies, golfing, festivals.

I'd like to meet:


I love old skool music, live music and r&b. Earth,Wind and Fire, Stevie Wonder, Isley Brothers, Kool and the Gang, Tina Marie........


Comedy,Comedy and more comedy and when I finish laughing. Then romantic comedies always are great to watch.


If I could be Oprah with Oprah's money I wouldn't need Stedman to marry me either!!! LOL

My Blog

White supremist Anti Jena 6 group article.

--> -->--> --> From Cnn wanted to broadcast the interview and news but decided at the last minute not to broadcast but still posted on internet. Have we really gone back to the 1950s civil r...
Posted by sassyinatl on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:16:00 PST