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Static FM

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Whats this Static fm all about?

Static FM is a Internet Radio Station which was set up by Max Johnson - Manager of Static FM

Static FM is new to myspace, but we have Oliver Harris (forum admin/tech problems) in control, who is an experienced myspacer. If you have any problems or questions do feel free to message us.

If the Media Player isn't working, please message us instantly! thank you.



Announcement No.1

Sam Rewhorn
"Tuedays & Thursdays 20:00 - 22:00 & Wednesday 22:00 - 23:00" Says:
New competion

I will impersonate a famous person for about 10 minutes and then give you 5 minutes of facts about the person. You then will have to email me at [email protected] with your guess of who it is.

Please rember you have to give his FULL name (eg rooney wayne rooney)

The prize could be one of the following, but I will anounce on air which one you will win:-

1. Pick the next 3 tracks to be played

2. Pick 1 hour worth of songs to be played on my next show

3. Be rung up by me and put live on air

4.You can give me a number of a FRIEND for me to ring and do a hoaks call. Please remeber it has to be one of your friend and you get to pick the hoak i use. (anything to serious will not be allowed)

5.You get rung up 2 sing along to a song of your choice. This won't be live so if your not happy with it you can redo it, you get a maxiumum of 3 attempts and after that your best one will be played on air.


Age :: Fifteen
Body :: Five Eleven
Status :: Single
Here for :: Friends / Networking
Orientation :: Straight
Hometown :: Brighouse
Education :: High School

Interests /////////

Music:: Punk/Deathmetal
Books:: Hahaha
Movies:: Too many
Design:: This profile/mdesigns

Links /////////

MurderDesigns :: Web Design
Google No.1 :: Google
File Lodge :: Upload images / Share files
Miki :: Cause shes ace

Comment Us

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Our Profile

Has been Designed and Created by Oliver Harris. Enjoy!

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