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Next Stop The Silver Screen...

About Me

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The shit you hear about me might be true, but then again, it could be as fake as the bitch who told you
HaAaAaYyYy! My Name is Shawna O'Dea. I'm 19 and currently living in the Bay Area. Right now i'm a receptionist at a tanning salon in San Ramon & Alamo & i LOVE my job! haha, I'm planning on moving to LA in the summer to persue my dreams in my modeling career! I'm kinda a love or hate kind of girl, people either love me for who i am, or hate me for who i am or how i look, some people are just jealous, if i looked like half the people who hated me, i'd hate me too. I've been modeling since i was 6 years old,its my passion, so I'm just focusing on my career & just trying to make it as far as i can. Its very time consuming & its alot of hard work but it will soon pay off in the end once i'm Famous! I try to stay positive about life and live it to its fullest. I'm a party girl, i love partying and laughing,and dancing and just having fun, thats what im all about is having fun.Im always down for anything. I love to get wild and crazy!!I do what makes ME happy, and because someone thinks i shouldnt is dirt off my fuckin shoulder. I dont like people telling me what to do and what right decisions to make, im pretty strong willed and stubborn so bossin me around doesnt work with me. I work hard for what i want. When i want something that bad i get it because i dont give up.I always end up getting what i want. I'm a very strong person, but if it werent for certain people in my life i wouldnt be where im at today. I have a huge support system of people who love, care and help me and i wouldnt trade them for the world. I love all my family and friends and have many of them, having them is very important to me, always has been. I'm Driven and now focused to do what i love, so you'll see me at the top with whatever i end up doing. Im here to do things other people thought and said i couldnt.
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

My Interests

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Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect, and I dont live to be. But before you start pointing fingers. Make sure your hands are clean. Don't Judge Me If You Don't Know Me.

- Get Your Own

I Like...
This one's for the girls who you can take home to mom, but won't because it's easier to FUCK with a WHORE than Work On A Relationship; This is for the girls who have been led on by Words and Kisses and Touches, all of which were either only true for the MOMENT, or never real to begin with.
This is for the girls who have allowed a guy into their Head and Heart and Bed, only to discover that he's just not ready, he's just not over "her", or he's just not looking to be tied down; This is for the girls who believe the EXCUSES because it's easier to believe that it's not that they don't want you, it's that they don't want anyone.
This is for the girls who have had their hearts broken and their hopes dashed by someone too SELFISH to have cared in the first place; This is for the nights spent dissecting every word and syllable and inflection in his speech; The nights when you've returned home alone; The nights when you've seen him from across the room leaning a little too close, or standing a little too near, or talking a little too softly to the girl he's with to be an "old friend."
This is for the girls who have showed up party after party just to be in his presence, and finally REALIZING that it wasn't that he didn't want a relationship: it was that he didn't want you. This is for the nights his dog died or his grandmother died or his little brother crashed his car and you held him, thinking that if you only comforted him just right, said the right words, or rubbed his back in the right way.. then perhaps he'd REALIZE what it was that HE ALREADY HAD.
This is for the night you realized that it would never happen, and the sunrise you saw the next morning after failing to sleep. This is for the "I really like you, so let's still be friends" comment & this is for realizing that when you choose friends, you hardly choose those which make you Cry Yourself To Sleep.
This is for the girls who have been USED and ABUSED; who have settled for what he was giving because at least he was giving something. This is for the stupidity of the nights we've believed that something was better than nothing; Though his something was nothing we'd had ever wanted. This is for finally realizing that you were the one who screwed things up..not me!

I'd like to meet:

♥ My Two Favorite People! ♥

My Sister From Another Mister
Best Friends Because Parents Couldn't Handle Us As Sisters

Miss These Days...

I would like to meet Models, Managers, Agents, Web Designers, General Contacts, New People!
Me, Aubrey O'Day ((Danity Kane,Making The Band)), & Jackie at Loft 11 in SF


SuperBowl Sunday!


My Favorite Little Old Man My Grandpa!


My Blog


PLEASE READ BEFORE MESSAGING! E-MAILS I TYPICALLY DO NOT REPLY TO: (Note: these are not all the e-mails I will not reply to or they are not word for word either.) -I typically do not reply to any lew...
Posted by ShAwNa-LEiGh's Official Site on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:40:00 PST

Add My Modeling Page <333
Posted by ShAwNa-LEiGh's Official Site on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:54:00 PST

Before You Decide To STEAL MY Pix...

  Looks like a ton of people already beat ya to it. ;]If you find anyone else using my pics just let me know & I will post them on here...I'm only on Myspace.. (no other websites) www.myspa...
Posted by ShAwNa-LEiGh's Official Site on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 05:50:00 PST

Another Fake Profile
Posted by ShAwNa-LEiGh's Official Site on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:34:00 PST

WOW A Fake Ass Profile Of ME!!

I can't believe someone is using MY pictures & made a fake myspace profile of ME!!
Posted by ShAwNa-LEiGh's Official Site on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 04:11:00 PST