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About Me

pleasureyourpage.comHello to all... My name is Tracy. I am a mother of 4 amazing children...2 boys and 2 girls. I was born and raised in Fremont Nebraska...also known as ‘HELL’ and yes...this is where I still live. However one day I hope to break free from the mundane bleakness of cornfields and interstates that imprison us here...and move to a more scenic area nestled in the mountains somewhere or near the ocean. But for now I am content being here with my wonderful girlfriend Trina (yes...I am a lesbian) kiddos & all our crazy little critters. Don’t can meet everyone on my page if you haven’t already. As you can probably tell from our little petting zoo consisting of 3 pug dogs, a ferret, 3 fish, a 4 ½ foot corn snake and 2 highly confused Maine Coon Cats that think they are...well one of us humans...that I am an animal lover at heart. Now don’t get me wrong I love animals...yes! However I also love to hunt & fish...this was one of my highlights of growing up and my early adult years (like18-24 cuz ya know...32 is soooo old…lol). Anyways...I don’t get a chance to do much hunting any more due to not having a hunting partner...and the fact that I now have kids to chase around town and to and from school...leaves little time to be chasing animals and birds through corn fields and woodland areas. Now I spend most of my days taking care of and enjoying my kiddos. I am a very social person and I thrive to be around people. Friends are very important to me and I wish I had more time to spend with them...however I am never to far from the computer and my cell phone is always close at hand...cuz I got to be talkin or chattin to someone all the time. Some times it seems like those 2 pieces of technology are my only link to the outside world. I think one of my favorite past times has become working out/weight lifting. Some say it’s become my addiction. If I’m not at the gym lifting weights then I am lifting at home almost daily. I would like to get into women’s power lifting or bodybuilding...but I have no clue as to where to look to get started here in Neb. I also enjoy power walking, bike riding, swimming, camping and horseback riding. On a less active note...I enjoy listening to music, playin on the computer, watching movies with the kiddos or just snuggling up with my baby when she isn’t workin.
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My Family

Our Critters

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I listen to all kinds of music... Country being my favorite... but here are a few

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I like a wide range of movies... Here are a few

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CMT, lockdown, L-Word, Sex in the City, Workout, Snapped




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