Hey - this is Andy. If you're reading this page, you probably already know me. But, if not, here's a bit of info.
I work at a game company in the design realm, and fill my spare time with a good amount of hobbies and such. I love music - I sing in a celtic punk band called The Good Rats, play a little guitar (you should hear my kick ass Stairway), and I can rock an iPod like no other. I also love the outdoors, biking, fishing, scuba diving, etc.
I find great pleasure in spending time with family and friends, and nothing beats the frothy goodness of a pint of Guinness.
I'm a Euro mutt, a fine blend of French, Scottish, English, Irish, and Welsh. I'd be a W.A.S.P. if I wasn't raised Catholic. Guess that makes me a W.A.S.C.?
Like most Catholics I'm a bad Catholic, but good enough of a Catholic to feel guilty about it. It's a vicious cycle man, I tell ya. That's where the Scotch comes in handy.
I was born and raised in San Jose, CA, but escaped a few years back and am now residing in the greater Seattle, WA area. Duvall to be exact. For those not local to Seattle, that means that I smell cows a few months out of the year.