I am Bundie. I'm not interested in meeting girls on here, I'm not interested in getting spam from bands, I'm not interested in adding to peoples friends lists to bump up their numbers. Other than that I'd love to hear from you!
I play drums for The Business I used to play drums for The Hyperjax and The Short-Cuts, I also play bass for The Redneck Zombies! If you want to check any of them out just have a look at the profiles below.
I basically use this page for keeping in touch with people I know and keeping up with what they are doing, so while I appreciate any support of any of the bands I'm in or have been in, please don't be offended if I refuse an add request, If i don't already know you and you want to get in touch your best bet is to just mail me first!
Other things I like include, Good Films, Good Pubs, Good Football, Foriegn Places and Bellend Mates!
Rocking Out With The Business
The Short-Cuts music video
Hyperjax Promo by Ash
Redneck Zombies Rockumentary by Fist.
The Redneck Zombies Live in Chester