Nicholas profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was suckered into this shady world of shadows by my lovely, yet abusive, wife, with promises of frolic and fun. So here I am. In all my hairyness. Come and take me. I know you all have plans to molest me. But I am a man who likes kitties, and I will cry. So watch out!! I am an actor living in Los Angeles, which I suppose is the same thing. I'm fortunate to be in an incredible theatre company in Hollywood, working with an amazing group of talented, passionate actors, at a place called Theatre of NOTE. A place I now call "home":) And you can too! Come check us out, it's inspired stuff.Despite much disgust in the goings on of the world these days, I find solace and joy here in La La Land thanks to my time spent with my beautiful and talented wife, our loving kitties Moz and Willow, our stuffed animal, "Beary," and our growing list of wonderful friends. Thank you wife. Thank you Moz, Willow, and Beary. And thank you friends, old and new, and even the ones I haven't met yet. You know who you are. Pervs.Here are a few things you should know about me:It's Mac, not PC. It's Coke, not Pepsi. It's shirts, not skins. It's cats, not dogs. It's Cheech, not Chong. It's tofu, not steak. It's vanilla, not chocolate. It's rum, not gin. It's movies, not books. It's bars, not clubs. It's Beatles, not Stones It's saving, not spending. It's pepper, not salt. It's carrots, not peas. It's beans, not franks. It's hella, not wicked. It's boxers, not briefs. It's showers, not baths. It's cold, not hot. It's wheat, not white. It's Love, not war.

My Interests

My wife, friends, acting, music, movies, theatre, making up stupid songs on the ol' guitar, facial hair, baseball, basketball, road trips!, longing for simpler childhood memories, kitties, and my wife. Also, my wife.
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

My inner child, Morrissey, Tom Waits, Daniel Day-LewisAbove: A very creepy/cool video of Radiohead's "A Wolf At The Door."


Radiohead, Morrissey, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Wilco, Sparklehorse, Nick Drake, Belle & Sebastian, Bright Eyes, Talking Heads, Rufus Wainwright, The Flaming Lips, They Might Be Giants, The Smiths, Daniel Johnston, Ben Folds, Iron and Wine, The Decemberists, Eels, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pixies, R.E.M, The Boy Least Likely To, David Bowie, Pavement, James, Soul Coughing, Lou Reed, Counting Crows, Beck, Fiona Apple, Norah Jones, Madeleine Peyroux, Neil Young, Cat Power, Leonard Cohen, Nellie McKay, Low, Pink Floyd, The Cure, The Smashing Pumpkins, Jenny Lewis, Johnny Cash, Stevie Wonder, The Shins, Brian Eno, Roxy Music, Arcade FireThis is a beautiful stripped down version of Radiohead's "Last Flowers;" a new song that can be found on the "In Rainbows" bonus disc.


1.The Shawshank Redemption, 2.Magnolia, 3.Amelie, 4.Harold and Maude, 5.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 6.Groundhog Day, 7.Hedwig & the Angry Inch, 8.The Truman Show, 9.Flirting, 10.American Beauty, 11.Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, 12.Dark City, 13.Pleasantville, 14.L.A. Story, 15.Fight Club, 16.The City of Lost Children, 17.In the Name of the Father, 18.Shine, 19.Almost Famous, 20.The Princess Bride, 21.Truly, Madly, Deeply, 22.Best in Show, 23.Boogie Nights, 24.The Big Lebowski, 25.High Fidelity, 26.The Usual Suspects, 27.Life is Beautiful, 28.Shakespeare in Love, 29.12 Monkeys, 30.The Thin Red Line, 31.State and Main, 32.Harvey, 33.Adaptation, 34.Being John Malkovich, 35.Happiness, 36.When Harry Met Sally, 37.Napolean Dynamite, 38.It's A Wonderful Life, 39.As Good As It Gets, 40.Seven, 41.This is Spinal Tap, 42.Living In Oblivion, 43.The Last Picture Show, 44.The Hours, 45.Four Weddings and a Funeral, 46.Election, 47.Fargo, 48.Waiting For Guffman, 49.Legends of the Fall, 50.Northfork, 51.American Splendor, 52.The Royal Tenenbaums, 53.Igby Goes Down, 54.Amores Perros, 55.Grosse Point Blank, 56.Punch-Drunk Love, 57.Leon: The Professional,


Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Human Giant, The Office (British Version), Arrested Development, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Sarah Silverman Program, Flight of the Conchords


I just learned to read again! And it's pretty cool.My favorites so far, and by a large margin, are all six books in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Love 'em. I'm also a big fan of The Princess Bride and 1984. I just read Geek Love, which was quite good, and Dirk Gently's Hollistic Detective Agency; also quite good. I might keep going. Check back later.


My Mom:)

My Blog

Radiohead Tickets!!!

These last few days have been crazy, and I went a little insane, and by the end of it I had purchased 18 tickets to the 2nd leg of Radiohead's North American tour in August. 18! I'm crazy! How did I d...
Posted by Nicholas on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:30:00 PST

Last Chance to See Me In FOOD FOR FISH

This Sunday, the 13th, will be my last guaranteed performance in FOOD FOR FISH at Theatre of NOTE. It's a great show. I'm in the alternate cast. We went up yesterday and rocked the house. Come, show y...
Posted by Nicholas on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:51:00 PST

Come see me at Sacred Fools Theatre!

Saturday, January 27th, I''ll be in a short play, The Outside, by Kiff Scholl. It's part of Sacred Fools' serial killers, in which every Saturday night at 11pm, 5 short plays go up. The audience votes...
Posted by Nicholas on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 11:54:00 PST

I was just cast in a play!!

I'm going to be in Theatre of NOTE's upcoming play, "Famous Blue." It'll open the first weekend in August, I believe. It promises to be full of some great performances, and I hope you'll all clear ope...
Posted by Nicholas on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:14:00 PST

If you're trying to reach me...

I will be tasting wine north of Santa Barbara on the "Sideways" tour for most of the week!! My wife and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary and are on vacay!! See you in a few days, and I might h...
Posted by Nicholas on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:39:00 PST

An Inconvenient Blog

I recently saw the Al Gore documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and it may have been the scariest, yet most inspiring movie experience I've ever had. No matter what the fence, or which side of it you m...
Posted by Nicholas on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 09:33:00 PST