If all people would work to achieve this balance this world would be a utopia.
Also I really really love ranch dressing... on pretty much everything. Oh yes, I mean THAT kind of everything.
I do not tollerate spelling errors.
People like me like people like me.
There is a time and a place for everything... except square dancing.
Stop wasting your time on MySpace and do something for charity.
Just laugh and it will be ok eventually.
I've been eating waaaaay too much White Castle lately.
A bird in the bush is worth two in the hand.
I have a half-track mind.
I attribute 80% of my success to my sense of humor and 25% to my superior math skills.
I finished a joke.
I am everything that you are afraid to admit you want.
I take my women like my coffee: Hot and in my lap.
There is a fine line between eye contact and the cold hard stare of a psychopath.
If you swing your stick in a garden long enough, eventually you will hit bush.
Before you build a mansion, you must first lay the foundation.
Perforated at the neck.
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