Tom profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Born in 1975 to a computer programmer and a flight attendant, in the city of Miami, mostly right side up, my earliest memories are of listening to the music of Harry Chapin and wanting to be an ambulance driver. (The attraction I presume was to the flashing lights more so than a desire to help people) Skip ahead 31 years and not a lot has changed. I still enjoy a rich 12 minute long live version of "30,000 Pounds of Bananas." My plans for the future include a haircut this saturday, standing up for the downtrodden, and at least once in my life receiving a standing ovation. For anything.

My Blog

These quiz’s seem to be popular, so Ive created my own. . .

1) What superstition or magical thought do you engage in despite being a rational skeptic? On the first day of any month, I have to say the words "Rabbit Rabbit" before saying anything else.2) Nam...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 17:56:00 GMT

I feel bad for Friendster

MySpace is everywhere. Beware the inevitable backlash.
Posted by on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:03:00 GMT

A Jumbo, JUMBO plane.

Exciting news. The new Airbus A380 was unveiled today clearing the last hurdle towards having up to 840 people wiped out all at once. Amo...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Jan 2005 17:24:00 GMT

An inspirational message from Tom! A Must Read!!!!!

For xmas my grandmother gave me glow-in-the-dark boxers. I'm wearing them right now. One must wonder if, while shopping, she purchased them without help or if, more likely, some meddling salesperson s...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Jan 2005 21:04:00 GMT

This is where it begins. The Blog, that is.

Recently I got a new phone, and an i-Pod, so why not become a blogger as well? Well, I'll tell you why. I have nothing interesting to say. Stay tuned for more exciting blog entries from me, Tom!
Posted by on Tue, 21 Sep 2004 22:15:00 GMT