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Mess with tha best?! Die like tha rest!!

About Me

hi to all people all over tha world!! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- this is ur QADSDOTCOM! ur friend online!!! what do u think? what do you want? just ask me if i can!!! i am easy to be with.... but here's mah policy... "MESS WITH THA BEST? DIE LIKE THA REST!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ im simply SoMeOnE u CaN RiLY Get aLoNg w/ gOodsTuFFs. yup! im a doWn to earth MAN..;) GUNS, BRODS, aNd nIcE pEoPle are super my ThiNg. i LovE hAnGin' out aNd cHillin out W/mY fRiEnDs mY TrUe FrIeNdZ..:) hEHeHe. PeOpLe hVe LoTz oF MiScONcEpTiOnS aBoT mE bUT R oL pRoVeN wRoNg!! try me ;) oNcE u RiLy gEt 2 hAnG oUt or da least, know me [haha]... iM NiCe aNd SiLLy , aNd SuPeR TaLkaTiVe Man..:) AbSoLuTeLy LoVaBle.. pArties, gimiks, chills or whatevr you cAll that as long as iM nOt homE,, i'M super super gaMe for it too! with my good long fellas of course ;) iM A hOpELeS rOmAnTiC aNd a sUckeR in "lOvE"...:) i just caN't deAl with it well! *groan* haha.. wen it comes to it, Im VeRy "wEaK". I cAn'T stand iT by mySelf, I NiD my FrIeNds To HeLP Me sOlvE this thing u call.. LoVE!.. hahaha..;) yet iM a SiMpLe gUy w/aLoT oF BiG dReAmS:) a dReAmEr aNd a sTrOnG BeLiEvEr!!:) iM a LoYaL pErSoN tOo.. 2 mY fRiEnDs, my FaMiLy anyways... *sTars* jusT sooThes mY pisses oFf.. and im intO PrOvInCes/bEaChEs/resOrts too.. above all,, im contented wiTh eVrytHin i have as long as i haVe this aMBiEnCe aNd pEaCefULnEsS around.. i defiNitely haTe pLaSTiCs aNd DiShOnEsT peOple.. thOse "bAkStabbEr" ish!! wow!! get a life moron! ;) I cAn be da guy u can reLy on to no matter wat it takes! oNcE yOu'vE wOn mE oVeR i'Ve gOt Ur BaCk all ThrOughOut :} iM AlSo NoT A PeRsOn DaT GiVes uP EaSiLy BuT i hVe 2 aDmIt.. "I aM A sEnSiTiVe pErsOn" sO bE CaReFuL in evrY sinGle thing u saY abOut me..:) if u hate me,, tell it straight in frOnt oF me. SGR RULZ!V I G I L A N T S O C I E T Y N A T I O N W I D E_88888___88__88__88888___88__88___88888 _ _88__88__88__88__88__88__88_88___888___ _ _88__88__88__88__88__88__8888______888_ _ _88888___88__88__88__88__88_88_______88 _ _88_______8888___88__88__88__88__88888_ _ _______________________________________ _ _________88888____8888___888888________ _ _________88__88__88__88____88__________ _ _________88__88__88__88____88__________ _ _________88__88__88__88____88__________ _ _________88__88___8888_____88__________ _ _______________________________________ _ _____88888___888888___8888___88888_____ _ _____88__88__88______88__88__88__88____ _ _____88__88__88888___88__88__88__88____ _ _____88__88__88______888888__88__88____ _ _____88888___888888__88__88__88888_____ _ _______________________________________ _ table width=400 align=center border=1 bordercolor=black cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who can handle a good conversation, meaning talkative but not in the sense of talking a load of crap... with a good sense of humor that's a PLUS coz I love to crack up all the time it's one way to relieve stress. People who have their brain intact in the head not in the crack below the back, you know what I'm saying coz I just can't handle the dumb-ass-type, they're not my kind. I prefer the silent but deep than beautiful but empty... This may sound weird but I love to talk to somebody who doesn't have the same interest that I'm in to coz I dunno I just find it fascinating. For me, exchanging ideas from different people is a way of discovering new things. And I praise those who believe that " a simple life is a happy life ", if you just read thru the line you'll figure out what I'm talking about. I also like people who give good advices rather than giving out their opinion. I find it very annoying when a person starts talking a lot about his/her self, who thinks they're somebody!!!!!!!

My Blog

my others..

Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2004 19:17:00 GMT