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Mr. Smith

God saves!!! What else should I say

About Me

Well I gave my life back to the Lord awhile ago now,(Best decision I've made in awhile ) I've lived a pretty interesting life up until that point that I'm going to use as my testimony.I find myself in a new place of life just waiting to see where,how,who,what and when Gods going to lead me. I like to keep active so I started playing the drums for my church (Christ the Rock) and for the college group (Contrast) that meets every saturday nights.I've joined and became a leader with in the college group and have taken the responsibility of mission and event coordinator.( Big name right!!) I value friendships and family.I've learned relationships are an everyday process to work on, but when you find a good one its amazing!!I enjoy sports of all types, And man I love the snow. My roots are Italian so wanna be friends you know what ethnic food were going to eat! My life gets busy with alot of side work that I do, Plus my full time job as a public servant.I'm trying to find time to do all my interests, I just want whatever GOD'S will is for my life.

My Interests

I like to wakeboard, snowboard, play football, or just whatever. I love slap stick comedy, I like laughing and making fun of situations, Lifes to short to always be so serious! Lately though my heart is going out to the missions and trying to see what I'm going to do wit all of that.

I'd like to meet:

I really would like to meet nobody imperticular, I guess I would like to meet E.B. White the author from "The Trumpet and the Swan" it was a favorite book of mine as a kid



I like Dave Matthews its a favorite, But do to me playing the drums I have a wide source of musical likes.


Anything with Jim Carey, Will Farreal, Jack Black, Adam Sandler I'm there.


I really don't watch to much T.V. I have seen Greys Anatomy,Raymond, cops the usual. I like Rescue Me the series, But with the whole new giving life to god I get convicted to watch it.


The Bible,The purpose driven life, We need to talk, Love languages ect.


GOD "WOW" He died for me, then come my prayer warriors...My mother,father, and 2 sisters.