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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a single father, most of my time and energy is spent with my kids. I do have other interests though, I am a pretty awesome standup comedian but I don't make enough at it to quit my day job yet. I am interested in meeting new people that enjoy life and aren't afraid to laugh. If you meet these qualities... hit me up!

Get Your Sexy Name

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!


My Blog

Well well well

One never knows how a day is going to turn out when you wake up in the morning.... It was a Sunday and it seemed like any normal day and I needed to look for a gift. I was searching for something spec...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 02:42:00 GMT


I guess it's been a while since I've written anything. I guess my creative spark has been taken up doing karaoke and drinking and such. Yes, before you ask, drinking can be a very creative endeavor (a...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 20:40:00 GMT

McTeacher night....

As a parent this day and age you do lots of things for your children..... ok so this is what I am telling myself after one of the most painful experiences I've been through since having an entire fing...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:22:00 GMT

Baja Blast Mountain Dew

Well I came home today and as I often do, I walked to the fridge to grab a nice cold refreshment... only to find the only drink in my fridge is a twelve pack (well actually it was a twelve pack at one...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:29:00 GMT

2006 an introspective...

Well 2006 was a rather eventful year for me. I started a new job that is much better than my old one, I got a new car that is much better than my old one, and my love life.... Ok, actually I don't muc...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 21:08:00 GMT

Thanksgiving 2006

What am I thankful for? I have pondered this all day and I really don't know where to begin. I can start with the easy things: I am thankful for my children, it was awesome being able to spend the ...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 19:15:00 GMT

someone shoot me!

Ok, so is it just me or has anyone else ever got a song stuck in their head and didn't know who sang it? Every time you hear it on the radio, you can't help but sing along and you think "Man! That is ...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 18:20:00 GMT

Friday the 13th

The story I am about to recount is true and factual, all of it is about things I personally witnessed. I know many people don't believe in ghosts or spirits but there are others of us that have w...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 19:37:00 GMT

Karaoke Adventure

So.... let's talk about fears. Everyone has them right? Whether they be heights, bugs, commitment, talking in front of crowds, enclosed quarters, etc... Now I must admit these are all admirable fears....
Posted by on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 21:02:00 GMT

Monsters of Rock

Ok so I wrote my mini blog yesterday about Buck Cherry (Son of Whitesnake) and apparently kharma had a way of getting back at me. We didn't have a show tonight and no one wanted to hang out either bec...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 02:10:00 GMT