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About Me

Umm, what can i say about myself? Well, i'd say im a shy guy, infact very shy which can be abit of a downfall for me. Once you get to know me though, most people say im a good laugh.
I very much keep myself to myself, i tend to keep my private stuff private and dont discuss it with anyone. People say im quite mysterious as i never give much away, which i quite like. I like the fact that people are always guessing to what im really like. I like abit of mystery in people. I think its abit dull to know everything about someone.
Im a kind hearted person that will generally always do something to help someone else out, unless, i think their doing wrong, then i will question what theyve asked of me.
Im the type of guy that will just ignore comments that people have made to avoid arguments. If its something really petty, i will just let it go and let them think theyve won just to save having an argument, but if someone takes something too far, i tend to explode and really rip into them. I have quite alot of patience but if im pushed too far, the person doing the pushing generally knows about it.

My Interests

Im a massive computer game fan, got myself an Xbox 360 on release day, which i was very pleased about. I can be found playing Gears of War and Rainbow 6 Vegas quite alot right now. Below is my gamertag.

Other sports i have an interest in are Formula 1 and American Football. One of the memories that stand out most from my last 15 years of following Formula 1 is the amazing crash at the Belgium Grand Prix in 1998. I think it worked out about 12 cars totally written off. Theres nothing i like more than a good crash as long as no one gets hurt, of course! Just try and ignore the foreign commentators! :)

A few more for your amusement! :)

Now this one is just hilarious! :)

As for American Football, im a BIG Dallas Cowboys fan, its been a pretty disappointing season but the one bright point is the performances of quarterback Tony Romo. In his first season as a starter, hes proved that hes got a bright future ahead of him.

Used to be a keen runner, that unfortunately died off through my teenage years. I was gonna run the 100 Metres for my County when i was 15 as i recorded a time of 11 seconds, but was ill on the day and never got another chance, shame. Its something i wish i'd taken abit more seriously, now.

Im also a very keen tennis fan, my favourite player is a Russian girl by the name of Vera Zvonareva. She can be very stressful to watch as she has a shocking temper on the court and it unfortunately causes her to lose alot of matches, so that can be extremely annoying as she has the talent, just doesnt use it in the correct ways.

As with most blokes im a massive football fan, my team is Everton Football Club. Ive supported them since 1986, through the good times and the bad (mostly bad), but i'll always be their cause you never desert your team right! Below are 2 pics of one of the true great football grounds, Goodison Park home of Everton FC.

Oh, and this is a video of the day Everton HUMILIATED their Merseyside rivals Liverpool 3-0 at Goodison Park! What a fantastic day! :)

THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!! :)

I'd like to meet:

Well theirs 1 person i'd like to meet, that being Vera Zvonareva. I talked about her in the interests section so i wont go on about it anymore but she is someone i admire so it would be pretty amazing to meet her.

Yes, i know alot of you will say shes not hot like Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova, but thats not why i follow this girl. I follow her cause i admire her spirit and her never give up attitude on a tennis court. She has so much passion and will to win that its hard to watch her and not love the way she plays the game of tennis. Shes currently ranked 21 in the world, and on the rise.


I am a massive trance fan when it comes to music. To anyone that doesnt know what trance is, its a form of dance music. Anyway, i thought it would be easier to include the videos of some of the tracks that have really rocked my world over the last 10 years.
This track is pretty much my all-time favourite tune, its by 4 Strings and titled Let it Rain. I simply love this tune more than any other. Its over 3 years old now but its still one that i will listen to most days. In my friends section you will see the 4 Strings Myspace page, so please do go visit and show the respect those dutch maestros deserve.
Next up is Lost Witness with 7 Colours. This was another track that i fell inlove with. I blasted this out everyday for a good 2 years and will always be one of the tunes i remember from my younger years so just has to be included as one of my all-time faves.
Ok, so this one doesnt actually have a video. I searched everywhere but couldnt find one so im presuming when this was released they never shot one for it. I still thought i'd put it up for the simple reason that it is a true trance classic. This is Cygnus X with Superstring.
Oh, and it would be just criminal not to include Agnelli & Nelson "El Nino".
This next video is from Chicane. Chicane are basically the ones responsible for getting me into trance. It all started with Offshore back in 1995 and developed from their. Im including Saltwater here as this tune has particularly special memories for me and below is a tune by the name of Red Skies. This tune was not released in the UK and only came out as a single in Belgium, but i for one feel its one of Chicane's best tracks. Absolute quality.


My heroes? Well, i suppose i'd have to say Nick Bracegirdle (Chicane) in here, if it werent for him and his amazing tunes under the Disco Citizens, Tomski and Chicane names then i may not have swung towards trance all those years ago.