† .Savior Owned. † profile picture

† .Savior Owned. †

As my apprentice, you're never fired. -God

About Me

Hello everyone! Welcome to my Page.
My name is Yaritza. Family & friends call me Yari .
My Daddy calls me His Princess .
I am a Christ follower, 27, and single.
* G o d 's G i r l *
I love to sing to my Daddy. I thank Him for this special talent, treasure, and weapon He's given me. I want to honor Him with my life & my voice!
I am back in school... with the goal to, some day teach others what I've learned, and encourage them to honor God with the talent He's given them as well. I'd like to become a vocal coach... and everything God desires for me to be.
I am attending New Life School of Worship in Colorado Springs, CO. Did I mention Colorado???!!! Oh yeah!!
Colorado is Bee-You-Tee-Full!!
So... I'm in a school for Worship Leaders. There's so much to learn and I am just at the very beginning. I am excited that God would make this available for me (and for anyone who has a desire to get a deeper understanding of worship).
So, to tell you a little more about myself...
I was born in Puerto Rico, raised in Brooklyn, NY, and I moved to FL with my family a little over 4yrs ago. This move has been a little rough for me but, it's made a positive change in my life... so it's all good!! ;),/font>
I am currently living in Colorado (with a very lovely family that I thank God for). And I am very excited about it. Woohoooo!!
(Can ya tell?) he he

My Fab Faith Go get one!" />
P.S. If you are sending me a Friend Request,
kindly introduce yourself please.
*If not, you may be ignored. Sorry.*

My Interests

The people you see below are my closest friends... and some of the most fabulous people in the world!! This page is dedicated not only to them... but to ALL my friends! **This of course includes my family- You ARE my Number 1 Friends in the whole wide world!**

I want you all to know that YOU are VERY special to me. I Love you with all my heart and I thank God for you because for one reason or another, you have been molded into my life.

Born March 6, 2007
5:28pm @ Florida Hospital,Deland
7lbs 6ounces
20 1/2" long

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet my future husband
and his family.
...Sweetie, I'm still waiting for you.

I'd love to meet many other people such as great men and women of God who I consider pioneers of the gospel and who I can learn from. I'd like to meet people who are in need of this Wonderful God so I can share His love and extend this gospel of Salvation. And I'd also like to meet future pioneers so that I can share my experiences and thigs I've learned throughout this walk with the Lord.

"Not Alone"

My God is definitely an Awesome God! He said He would never leave us, and He will never forsake us.
You are Not Alone.



Indeed I love music!
But above all, and more than 'mere' music itself, I love the God who created music. The instrument He gave me are my Vocal Chords. The weapond is my Praise!
I love to sing and worship my God
...my Daddy.

I LOVE GOD with ALL my heart . I am glad to serve such a loving God and to know that He lives in my heart is amazing. I LOVE everything that has to do with my Daddy and Savior... and well, I love making new friends also!!!

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."


A lil more about muah....
I love God with ALL my heart... and I am a fun-loving, caring, and beautiful young lady! I like to have fun -- nice clean fun!

**I love making people SMILE & LAUGH**

Although I dont have much time to watch TV, I like watching movies and cartoons. I like most movies, except horror or anything boring! If, and when Im not too tired, I like chattn on line. I like going to the mall, or simply hanging out with closest friends.

I like the fun simple stuff. I absolutely LOVE anything that has to do with ARTS. I love writting! I love reading!!! (Mostly anything that will help in my spiritual growth... or a fun book.) Yes, I can draw. Dance? Well, I love dance! I really enjoy it... sometimes I just dance @ home for the fun of it. Ssshh I don't really know how to though. he he


I believe my LIFE is a book in itself!! I've been through lots of things in life.I don't know what I would do, or where I would be if God had not been with me every step of the way... and,THAT, I am very greatful for!
Life is rough... but even more without Christ in your life.

**If you have read up to this point, it means you are really interested in getting to know me. SO, leave me a message & i'll surely get back to you!


My Father in heaven is MY HERO!! He gave His life for me and I am eternally greatful for that!

It saddens me to see & hear people reject Christ so easily. If they only knew they're just condemning themselves. **If you reject Christ, you are automatically choosing satan & a life that leads to eternal pain & sufferring... eternal death.**

Please listen, obey, and choose Christ today. Take this 1st step... Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to come live in your heart. He will forgive you and will come live in your heart. This path is not easy.. but it will lead you to life!

Thanks for visiting my page. Come again!Buuuh BYYEEEE

My Blog

Never Could have Made it.

Posted by .Savior Owned. on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 06:46:00 PST

Just is.

Thunder. Scary. Piercing. Sudden Roar. Racing Heart. Shock. Intimidating. Alarming. Desperate for Shelter. Shelter. Comfort. Security. Calmness. Gentle. Safe. Wrapped in strong arms. Embraced by a war...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 06:28:00 PST

The Smile.

The Smile. Its quite funny that I'm journaling about this one smile I saw today, but quite worth it. (If this guy saw that I journaled about this, he would totally think Im a stalker or something lol...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 03:49:00 PST

Rob Bell- Rain

Please enjoy this Video and Be Blessed!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvK_DsBrV-o ...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 06:47:00 PST

Religion -vs- The Gospel

"As sinners, we are prone to pursue a relationship with God in one of two ways. The first is religion/spirituality and the second is the gospel. The two are antithetical (opposite) in every way. ...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 02:40:00 PST

Growing up

Hello everyone! Just thought I'd give ya a quick update on muah . All is going well over on this end. God is really doing awesome things in my life. He never ceases to amaze me. One thing I looking fo...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:09:00 PST

Pointless chuckles. he ha hee hee

This blog should not be long at all (then-again& it just may, since I mentioned it)& and not interesting at all& but& I thought I'd let the world know what was going on in this brain of mine toda...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 04:28:00 PST

Transparent / Something New.

Hello. Although you may read this and say, "Huh? This has nothing to do with being transparent- it's about Love." It's time for transparency& on my behalf anyway. And as the title goes, "Transparent /...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 05:43:00 PST

My Smile.

I'm a Daddy's Girl!.............Tears do not always = melancholy..............Smile. ...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 04:21:00 PST


CROSS  [[          A young man was at the end of his rope, seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer 'Lord, I can't go on,' he said. 'I have too...
Posted by .Savior Owned. on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 04:53:00 PST