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I am here for Friends

About Me

"Swell" I share the same height as Tom Cruise.And once helped a Whale give birth "HELLOOOOO LADIES" dont you love a man that likes to get his hands dirty. Nah seriously i also once helped some old slut get her cat out of a tree FUCKERS yeah i had you all fooled thought i was mr nice guy well im not! im 24 and lovin it,I just recently moved back from Sydney i was running a bar in KingscCross for 12 months and now back in my home town LISMORE (id rather stick crabs up my arse with a burning stick than live in this god forsakin HOLE THEY CALL A TOWN)but anyway enough with the chit-chat if you like me add me if not well FUCK OFF BIBLE BASHERS HERES MY MSN ADDRESS [email protected]

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

BIG DOG so i can knee him in the balls for all those chidhood years i had to go to bed at 7.30pm and to go one betta not having pirating acts when the old grandmother god luv her used to tape the fucker so she could put it on at all hours of the day and trick us little fuckers to having an afternoon nap at 10.00am good morning boys and girls sweet dreams LOL

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