~Haley Mae~ profile picture

~Haley Mae~


About Me

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My Interests

Technical Theatre ~ Stage Management and Lighting, Acting, Scrapbooking, Woodburning, Photography, Video/Picture editing...


I like a lot of different kinds of music, especially oldie - 80's techno:P (EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!), beachboys kinda tunes and country :D Basically anything I can danc to really :P


Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing 2 'Havana Nights', Flight Plan, InsideMan, THREE, Children of Men, She's the Man (hehehe), Transformers etc.....


I don't watch much TV anymore. I can never find anything good on :P


I like thinkers - how to make your life more fullfilling kind of books. They are sweet. I am really not into novels much. At least I haven't found one I really like yet.


God, Mom, Dad, Superman :P