Ginjitsuman [Is a Boston BIMBY] profile picture

Ginjitsuman [Is a Boston BIMBY]

Don't Stop Believing!

About Me

All Fucking American
Im Matt Culp, you mighta heard of me. I gotta lotta good friends, more than I could fit into a top 4,8,12,16 whatever. I went to Everett High school and I graduated class 06'. I'm currently attending Community College cus my lazy ass couldn't get into a University, so I'm taking the long road, but I'll get there. I got an easy look on life but I don't know whether that's good or bad. Life is short and these are the good years, why fill it with bitching and unnecessary problems -fuck it.. problem solved. I don't like keeping secrets and I think being left out is lame. I know some Japanese (Way more than I do Italian) and I plan on doing something with it. I have way too much fun on the internet and I have/had two beagles named baby and arrow though baby died so now it's just arrow and she's insanely stupid and half retarded but I love her all the same. I've no sad stories but plenty of good times so I guess in that respect Im doing quite well. Im not an asshole, don't mistake this for being a pushover or weak, w/e. I simply find being dickalicious alil immature. And if chick's can't dig me cus I'm a "nice guy"... well fuck. I obviously like getting quick to the point but Im actually really humble. This is a piss poor description of me but it's a damn good gist. Message me cus ya wanna and if you don't that sucks ass for you. My sns Ginjitsuman and I wanna learn more about life.
And for your information Im:
But All American

My Interests

AOL Instant Messanger: Ginjitsuman

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to meet me, just dont be a bitch.
Screw the snow
I want me some Fourth of July

And this is more of a "Where i'd like to meet" But shit do I wanna go to Tokyoo!


Some Bands and Artists:
50 cent
Alien Ant Farm
All American Rejects
Ayumi Hamasaki
Barry White
Beach Boys
Beastie Boys
Blink 182
Bob Marley
Boy Hits Car
Boxcar Racer
The Brilliant Green
Bruce Springsteen
The Caesars
Cypress Hill
Daiki Kaisho
Daft Punk
Deep Dish
Do As Infinity(DAI)
Dragon Ash
Dragon Force
Folder 5
Hitomi Shimatami
Jackson 5
Led Zeppelin
Less Than Jake
Linkin Park
Matchbox 20
Noburo Uematsu
Paul Oakenfold
The Pillows
Porno Graffiti
Presidents of the United States
Reel Big Fish
Sum 41
Techno (too much)
The Ramones
The Steve Miller Band
Third eye Blind
Utada Hikaru
The Verve

Other Stuff:
Trance, Electronica, Techno, Drum & Bass, Rap, Industrial, Hip hop, Ska, Dance, R&B, Jazz, Some Classical, alittle pop, and foreign stuff mostly (J-rock, J-pop).


Mothafuckin snakes!
Mothafuckin plane!
Some other Wicked AWesome movies:
American Beauty
American Psycho
American History X
Rocky I
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI)
Battle Royale
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Wedding Crashers
Saving Private Ryan
Jacobs Ladder
The Shining
A Beautiful Mind
Dream Catcher
They Live
The Last Samurai
Matrix trilogy
Lost in Translation
Ferris Buelers' day off
Pearl Harbor
Ghost in the Shell
Good Burger
Rumble in the Bronx
Operation Condor
Menace 2 Society
Kill Bill Vol. 1+2
Almost any James Bond Movie
Beverly Hills Cop
Die Hard
The Bourne Identity
Jurassic Park
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Dude wheres my Car?
Dragon Head
The Returner
Cutey Honey- live action
The Girl Next Door
Mario Bros. Movie
and much, much more. (props to Judd for showing me some)
And if you hate this movie, you most likely grew up a sad kid.
And of course Private resort (unforgettable cast eh bryon?) .. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.../images/.." height="350" width="425"


I always gotta Tv running behind me, whether Im watching it or not - kinda makes me feel complete. But I don't actually watch that much Tv, mostly late at night and stuff like that.

Family guy
The Simpsons
South Park
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Chapelles' show
[Adult Swim]
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Family Matters

Some other shows like:
Real Tv
Dance 360

And of course anime
Fist of the North Star
Love Hina
Samurai X OVAs
Cowboy bebop
Gun Smith Cats
Gundam Wing and much much more.


Im not gunna bullshit you, I don't read shit.
Allthough I did like:
The Book Of Manliness
The River
The Hatchet
Brian's Winter
The Halo Trilogy
Some other coolass shit you book ppl won't consider "Reading"
Sabra Zasshi
GTO (Manga)
Akira (Manga)
Love Hina (Manga)
Time Magazine
And Finally for shits and giggles:
Japanese for Busy ppl II + III
(Best Japanese text books out there kids.)
And Since this section's kinda dead Ima add my vastass game collection cus Im really bored at the moment.
Ace Combat Zero
Ace Combat 4
Ace Combat 5
Ape Escape 2
Ape Escape 3
Ape Escape Pumped and Primed
Armored Core 3
Armored Core Nexus
Armored Core Nine Breaker
Armored Core The last Raven
Burnout 3 Take Down
Crash Wrath of Cortex
Crazy Taxi
DDR Extreme
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Front Mission 4
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Gramd Theft Auto San Andreas
God of War
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec
Gran Turismo 4
Katamari Damacy
Kingdom Hearts
Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes
Metal Slug Anthology
Mobile suit Gundam Journey to Jabruro
Mr. Mosquito
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
PaRappa the Rappa 2
Psi OPs
Rampage Total Destruction
Ratchet & Clank Up your arsenal
Resident Evil Outbreak
Samurai Warriors
SSX Tricky
Star Ocean Until the end of time
Taiko drum master
Tekken 4
The sims
Thunderstrike operation phoenix
Turok: Evolution
Twisted Metal Black
We love katamari
Xenosaga episode 2
Zone of the enders: The second runner
Animal crossing
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals
Gameboy Player
Mario Party 4
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
Paper Mario The thousand year door
Pikmin 2
Pokemon Colloseum
Pokemon colloseum
Resident Evil 4
Super Mario Sunshine
Super smash bros. melee
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat
Big Bumpin
Burn out Revenge
Crimson Skies
Dead Or Alive Ultimate
Dino Crisis 3
Full spectrum Warrior
Halo CE
Halo 2
Mech Assault
Ninja Gaiden
Pocket Bike Racer
Sneak King
Splinter CEll Pandora tommorow
Ape Escape
Armored core Formula front
Grand theft auto liberty city stories
Grand Theft auto vice city stories
Metal Gear Portable Ops
Metal gear acid
We Love Katamari
Final Fantasy III
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon Ranger
Battle Stations
Crash Bandicoot
Digimon World
Dino Crisis
DokoDemo Issyo (Jp)
Dune 2000
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Future Cop L.A.P.D.
Gekioh: The Shooting King
Gex 3: Enter The Gecko
Gran Turismo
Gran Turismo 2
Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto London
Jet Moto
Nuclear Strike
Omega Boost
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA
Resident Evil: Directors Cut
Ridge Racer
Sim City 2000
Small Solidiers
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Tomb Raider Chronicals
Twisted Metal
Worms Armaggeddon
Battle Tanx Global Assault
Command & Conquer
Goldfinger 007
Hey you Pikachu
Jet Force Gemini
Lego Racers
Namco Museum 64
Nascar 2000
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Star Fox
Star Wars Pod Racers
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Super Mario 64
Turok Dinosaur Hunter
Turok Rage Wards
Alien Vs Predator 2
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2 Special Forces
Battlefield 2142
Blue Shift
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Command & Conquer Generals
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Firestorm
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberian Wars Command & Conquer Yuri's Revenge
Counter-Strike Source
Day of Defeat
Doom 2
Final Doom
Doom 3
Emporer Battle For Dune
Half-Life 2
Opposing Force
Phantasy Star Universe
Sim City
Sim City 3000
Sim City 4
Sim City 4 Rush Hour
Sim Copter
Sim Isle
Sim Safari
Sim Tower
Star Craft
Star Craft Brood War
Star Wars Empire at War
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2
Streets of Sim City
Team Fortress
The Sims
The Sims Livin' Large
The Sims House Party
The Sims Vacation
The Sims Hot Date
The Sims Super Star
The Sims Makin Magic
The Sims 2
The Sims 2 Nightlife
The sims 2 Pets
The Sims 2 Open for Buisness
Quake 2
Quake 3
World of Warcraft


My friends and family

My Blog

Where'd the rest of my killer myspace go?

Due to popular demand my profile has been kicking the ass's of alot of peoples computers so I decided to take the bulk of my site offexample:"Jahonay" (12:37:28 PM): Jesus christ, your profi...
Posted by (Ginjitsuman) A.B.A.P. on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:13:00 PST

A Necessary Tribute to A HERO!

Liviu Librescu Many of you might not know him; but for his miraculous sacrifice many today are alive and able to see their families. If ya haven't guessed allready this man was involved in the shootin...
Posted by (Ginjitsuman) A.B.A.P. on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST

P-P-P-Prom pics baby

Finally got around to being bored this weekend so I got some time to upload the prom pics. Or atleast the ones I got. Gettin ready! Lauren stinkin up the place I Genitori (I think that's right?) Me...
Posted by (Ginjitsuman) A.B.A.P. on Tue, 30 May 2006 12:46:00 PST

Banana Gif. Thingy

It was making my page look crazy and stuff so I felt like moving it here for now. And the other one   Theres plenty more, just waiting for Nick to scan the rest of em. Later...
Posted by (Ginjitsuman) A.B.A.P. on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 07:32:00 PST

Summers almost over gotta start recaping on the good things.

Lots of fun things happened this summer.  And telling everyone about all the stories would be a bitch so Im compiling a list of things that I and those around me have accomplished or experienced....
Posted by (Ginjitsuman) A.B.A.P. on Sat, 20 Aug 2005 06:59:00 PST