Well, I guess I kind of bounce around from reading, to old coins, to shooting and so on...just depends on the present company I guess. I'm pretty agreeable like that.
Well, I'd like to meet lots of people. If we don't get along, then we met and know that now, lol. mspmb FlashVars="userid=19944087&colorset=grey" src="http://apps.rockyou.com/Likeness.swf" quality="high"
Classic Rock, 80's Rock, Country
I like a lot of movies, so pick one, I'll watch it, there have only been three movies I got disgusted with and turned off before they were over.
I'm not much on TV I guess.
Robert Jordan, E E Knight, L E Modessitt, Tom Clancy, Tolkien (of course), David Weber, Dr. Seuss, and a whole buncha other stuff I don't want to take the time to mention.
Larry the Cable Guy, and not because he's such a redneck, but because he can acknowledge and celebrate where he comes from rather than try to hide it and keep people from knowing. The guy is very comfortable with himself, I think I'd like to meet him someday and see if he's the same in person.