it is Christ in me that causes me to care and my heart to break. caring for you, caring for those i have yet to meet. my eyes are open to the pain that surrounds, covered by layers of self-sufficiency, the need to belong, to be admired, to be loved.
the Source of Unconditional Love is dismissed or abandoned in the search for freedom, freedom from legalism, from institutions, from hypocrisy, from structure, from rules, from anything that controls. life is controlled by our ambitions, our desires, our feelings until it spins out of control. hopelessness pervades. the search continues. God is denied. no answer is found. we will live in hopelessness and find temporary remedy in addictions, anything that will numb the pain and allow us to survive. feelings fade, people turn, drugs dilute, opportunities pass and we are left to try and heal. wound upon wound until they can't be hidden.
i am not so different from you. i hurt, i need, i love. it is Christ in me that heals the wounds, that ends the search, that feels the deepest needs for love and hope and belonging. i do not simply endure the pain but understand its source. now the pain comes from seeing you, seeing the hurt, seeing the hopelessness, seeing you reject the Only One who really loves you, who created you, and who desires the very best for you.
i love beauty. i know the Creator and see beauty in the ability He has given us to create, to imagine, to interpret. yet we deny the Creator in our own creations,
claiming personal achievement, being enlightened by the creation rather than the Creator, denying His existence, His involvement, His power, His perfection, His incomprehensible nature that allows unconditional love for a creation that turns away, that rejects, that demands,
that takes without expression of gratitude.
i pray. i pray that your search will end. that you will find the love that continually transforms my life from my desires to His desire. His knowledge exceeds my understanding. His path is far superior to my aimless wanderings.
this is my prayer...