My Name is Dain Charles Lindstrom, i live in BFE and i hate it...Im a hardcore Gamer and I love technology. I get all the new releases on alot of The Games and Systems unless its Gaystation ive only owned one Sony peice of crap and sold it...that was the Gaystation Portable...anyways im a big fan of microsoft i sold an apple iPod to get a Microsoft Zune....which was a good choice cause their better. Im 18 and a graduate from RCHS. Im tottaly dating the best girl ever Brittany Milhoan and you all should be jealous.Im proud of which friends i have....though there are to many to count...and my best male friends are Zach Lanham, Tyler Bleakly thats our little crew at PRT we stick together but at school i hang out with alot of different people like Justin Lowther and RJ Mcdonald and Joey Scholfield and Jacob Lanham and alot more too well thats all for right now ill edit later maybe..
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