Gangsta Ass Lexicon profile picture

Gangsta Ass Lexicon

Ridin' round the city on buttons ya bitch!

About Me

I'm 25 yrs. old, I'm married, and I have two kids, a boy & a girl. I'm a College Student/Party Attender/Asshole/Skater/Guitar Enthusiast/ Friend/Father/a bunch of other shit

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I like to Skate, Fuck off, get trashed with the doggs, and play the guitar so it sounds like absolute shit.

I'd like to meet:

Some bad ass motha fucka's. Maybe the asshole that shot my dog.


The Falcon, Against Me!, nofx, the get up kids, the lawrence arms, GNR FUCKIN ROCKS MY COCK OFF!, the weakerthans, the ataris, screeching weasel, me first and the gimme gimmes, the descendents, alkaline trio, No Use For A Name, A WHOLE SHIT LOAD OF OLDER ROCK, like pink floyd, the doors, the beatles, the stones, acdc, hendrix, eric clapton, Bob Seger, Led Zepplin, older elton john before he was gayed out to the max.


PORN, The Thing, the Goonies,SKATE VIDEOS, Napoleon Dynomite, all the other fucked up movies that keep it real!




Of Mice and Men, and Huckleberry Finn these books kick ass. Hemingway. The Great Gatsby. Mags like Thrasher, Guitar World, Hustler, etc.


Kids with sketchy style, Fat chicks in tight clothes, Redneck assholes, Musicians that don't suck ass, People who tell it how it is, Mother Fuckers that KEEP IT REAL! Anyone who has influenced my life. My tattoo artist for doing his shit, the little kids with their fucking wheelie shoe things and Badass bros on razor scooters ripping shit up, and Police officers who religiously abuse their power.

My Blog

Not That you Assholes care, I'm a dad again!

On April 20, 2006 at exactly 6:42 am I became the father of a baby girl. Emily 6 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 1/2" long.
Posted by Gangsta Ass Lexicon on Tue, 09 May 2006 11:30:00 PST

Just Another Random Friday Night in Vegas

Last Friday night in vegas. So we showed up to the Joint at the Hard Rock to see Alkaline Trio and Against Me! show was badass. After the show 2 of my friends jumped in a jeep with some random chick w...
Posted by Gangsta Ass Lexicon on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 02:32:00 PST

Fucking Redneck Idiots

So yesterday was a real fucking joke. I woke up and dragged my sleepy ass out to watch tv and chill, just like any other Sunday.When at about 12:00 my mother-in-law called to tell me that my wife's do...
Posted by Gangsta Ass Lexicon on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 01:16:00 PST