jUElz... profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. - I lIkE It wEt...
yOOO wAzz gOOd??? I bE thAt yOUng sExxy rIcAn nI99A rEppIn thE BX tO thE fUllEst... If U wAnnA knOw mOrE jUss hOllA... @ bxplAybOy87@AOl.cOm , check out My tOp frIEnds!

btw, jUst bEcAUsE my AOl scrEEn nAmE Is thErE, It dOEsnt mAkE mE A bIrd... I Am jUst A vEry OUtgOIng & sOcIAl IndIvIdUAl... It's Up tO yOU tO sEE thAt sIdE Of mE bEcAUsE If yOU fUkk It Up... I cAn AlwAys blOck yOU!!!

My Interests

.. - btw, thE hAIr Is vEry rEAl! lOl...
I lOvE tO dAncE, lIstEn tO mUsIc, gO OUt clUbbIn, gO OUt tO thE mOvIEs, OUt tO EAt, AmUsEmEnt pArks, chIll wIth mA pEEps, lOvE tO shOp, And Of COUrSe lOvE mE soMe gOOd SeX!!!
I really do!!!

I'd like to meet:

.. .. - Get Your Own
.. ..


AnythIng I cAn get rEAl frEAky And nAsty tOO... lIkE rEggEAttOn...


TiTaNic, crUEl IntEntIOns, TrOy, UnDerWorld EvOluTiOn, fIfth ElEmEnt




pOlItEnEss Is thE mOst AccEptAblE hypOcrIsy...hypOcrIsy Is A fAshIOnAblE vIcE, And All fAshIOnAblE vIcEs pAss fOr vIrtUE...

I kept 2 myself cause I am 2 grOwn for drAmA...but, sincE U didnt have the BALLS 2 knock on thE correct dOOr... And knocked on mine 2 then have the dog face 2 try 2 turn the tables n blame shit on me... lmAO, let me tell U somethIng U SDd Excuse 4 a man... InjEct yOUrsElf with some testosterone, grow some REAL balls, And speak with the truth... cause next time your "HOUSEHOLD" will need more than a bottle Of pills to solve YOUR issues... with lots of lOvE... Juelz...! mUAzzz!

Yeah... I'm a Bitch, I Fuck like a Pornstar cause I am one... Party like a Rockstar cause its in my blood, $pend money like it grows on trees, Traveled all over the country, Driven all types of rides, been with all types of ni99az, Had my heart broken, been played and humiliated... Been the Center of attention at many places and events, Have all kinds of Fans, Good and Bad... Most likely have more Balls than you do... So... tell me something I dont already know...br clear="lef


my mOm!!!
I lOvE yA gUrls!!!

My Blog

I thOUght yOU wAs my PrIncE, yOU jUst tUrnEd OUt tO bE A tOAd...

Here I sit at 2:25 A.M. not knowing what to do with my life. I feel as if the world is ending and all I can do is sit, cry and think what if...? I can honestly say that the last ten months of my ...
Posted by jUElz... on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:24:00 PST

If A mAn wAnts yOU...

If a man wants you If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesnt want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to ...
Posted by jUElz... on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 11:01:00 PST

I dOn't UndErstAnd why...?

Itz amazing how it took our breakup to make you realize that you love me... but what's more amazing, is you saying that you love me and you don't wanna let me go but you can't give me the chance to sh...
Posted by jUElz... on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:08:00 PST