I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let them go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when their right, you believe lies so that eventually learn tu trust no-one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things ca fall together.
Quoated by Marilyn Monroe.
All i want is someone who wont feed me the same old bullshit all the rest seem to!
Who will give me a different ending to the same old story
Who wont make me wait for them just because they know i will
Who wont make my make-up run cuz he got the best of me
Who wont play games and break my heart with the promises he'll never keep
Who wont mind when i cry
And someone who will do anything to make me smile =]
Just Someone Different
I think [Best.Friends] just about covers It!
We Live
We Love
We Laugh
We Cry
We Bitch
We Dance
We Drink
♥ Jodie Louise .....x ♥
♥ Holli3 Louise .....x ♥
♥ Vicky .....x ♥
♥ Louise .....x ♥
♥ Chezza .....x ♥
Just when im ready to fall apart ur the 1s who help me and for that i THANKYOO =]
Once upon a time i called yoo all BEST friends and nothing and no one will ever change that =] ♥ ...x