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I am here for Friends

About Me

;~~im A-N-D-Y!!!~~~ StubBorn and hArd-heArted,,StRong-wiLLed &hiGhly moTivaTe,,ShaRp thouGhTs,, EaSiLy anGeRed,,AtTracTs oTheRs & LoVes atTenTion,,DeeP feeLinGs,, BeauTifuL phYsicaLLy & menTaLLY,, FiRm StanDpoinT..NIds No moTivaTion.. EaSiLy cOnsoLed..SyStemaTic (left brain).. LoVes to dReam..StRong cLairvoYanCe.. UnDersTanDinG..GOod imaGinaTion.. GUd physical..LoVes LiteRature & the arts.. LoVes traVeLing..DisLike bEing @ hOme.. ResTLess..HarDworKing..HiGh spiRiTed..sWeeT&CariNg..SpendThrift<<<¢¾à ‚¢Â¾Â¢Â¾ iM eNjoY!n My LifE tO D FuLLesT.. i Luv AdvEntUres.. i Wnt to Do ThiNgs An OrdInaRY G!Rl Can't DO.. LiL' m!sS B!tCh "dAw" bUt iM a FriEnDLy,fUnNy,mKuL!t &crAzY TyPe Of GaL..SNoBbY pAg 'dI P cLoSe..p!poL MisjUdGed Me Kz dw i Luk SupLada &maTraY buT guYs Im TeLLing U n 100% thAt's Not TruE.. during may spare TyM mE &my frIenDs luVz 2 HanG oUt In JeruS And MaGs.. a PlacE wer U cAn FiNd D tRue BLoOdEd MaLd!tas.. heHe..rYt?! wLa aKong viCes xcepT TumaMbay.. iLoVe cOllEcTin sTuFfs AnYtHin' aBoUt UAAP pLayErs EsP. ADMU bLuE eAgLeS And My UltiMaTe UAAP cRush LaRRy FoNaCiEr.. i love watchin' games of leepipes-ateneo in pbl & UAAP..soO gUyz Kng LyK mO riN snA FoNaCiEr,WeSlEy,KrAmEr,jC,tEnOr!o EtC..&f U wnt tO kNOw MoRE ABoUT mE dEN U cAN AdD mE fREElY>>>wLa Lng Pra MaRamInG FrieNds.~~~<[email protected]>~~~ tHiS iS M-E!!¢¾¢¾¢¾

My Interests

cHiLLin Out wd My fRiEnds In Jerus nad Mags Located in Intramuros...Hanging out wd my bf...

I'd like to meet:

cOOL PeOpLe..
