I like to do alot of things especially bAsKEtBALL!!! i LOVE it! also i enjoy school, dancing, giving concerts (a least one a day!) and eating!! Plus, being outside/out period
eVeRyOnE cUz peOPlE lEaRn fRoM eVerYonE I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
i LOVE bAy s****!! but i can get by wit MAiNsTReAm R&B RAP OlD SkooL ETC. All mY bAy aReA aRtiSts, Trey Songz, ChRiS BrOwN, Lil WaYnE, Dc, KeYshIa cOLe
i like watching movies and GOING to the movies..i'm almost up on game.. i love comedies and drama/suspense but horror is my favorite..action is a maybe
i WaTcH TOO MUCH tV! jAMiE FoxX, wAYANs BrOs., cOSBy'S, anYthiNg eLsE U nAmE iT, i WAtCh It
ZaNe bOOks aRe gReAt!!!!
My Daddy and Mommy! they make ME proud! "GET BETTER DADDY..I LOVE U LOTS"